
Story to tell about up coming festival.?

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Few days ago I took my son to a park in front of my house. When it is almost time to go home. Around 7pm. My son said " Soldier, Soldier ah....." I look around, at the park only my son and me. My son only two year old, so I ask, " You see soldier? ". My son points at a direction and repeat his statement again.

What did he see?




  1. have u watched "The Messenger"

    they say that children is more likely to see supernatural things..

  2. you've just witnessed your son having his first ghost-sighting experience.creepy!


    well,"the eye" may be passed down from generation to generation...but it maybe just a temporary thing,as kids tend to see those kinda things more often than adults,and it'll fade as the kid grows up.are you still seeing stuffs even now?


    maybe he saw a certain japanese army troops ghost strutting around the playground.i dont know,does the place has its own histories?

  3. oh no!!! i already said that my kuda belalang just looking weird if someone see him outside dk's house....

  4. Just his imagination.. Don't worry.

  5. Don't worry too much.

  6. based on the clues 'upcoming festival' [national day]and 'soldier'[parade], your son was referring to Malaysian Flags, i don't know....

    But can't relate the '7pm' clue

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