
Story writing Ideas???

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I have written lots of stories before but now I have writer's block.

Ever since I've started and finished the 'Twilight' series I can't think about anything else! I know this sounds crazy! But when I try to start an other book it starts sounding like 'Twilight' which I don't want to happen because I love that series so much that I wouldn't want to be a copier. But also I want my story to be a "romance/love/action(not exactly action but not too lovey-dovey)" story -the same genre as 'Twilight'- that has to do with a teen girl and guy (but I want the guy to be really special to her -even if she doesn't know it yet- but almost so special that she can't even think strait! Lol, not exactly but you get the idea)

But one thing I don't want is to be too much like the 'Twilight' series.

So do any of you have any good ideas?

Thanks in advance!




  1. For me, the best way to get inspiration is just to let my mind wander. The greatest example of this was when I was brushing my teeth... But, since that gets a little boring, I have the next best suggestion - immerse yourself in different types of literature, media, music, etc. This way, you can break out of the ideas that are prone to be similar to "Twilight" by pulling emotions from other sources. I tend to watch a lot of movies, listen to a variety of music genres/languages, read classics and/or contemporary lit, and manga (haha, I just do this one for fun). You won't necessarily copy everything you see, but you can free yourself up to discover what you would feel comfortable writing about, or something that you have noticed hasn't been touched from a certain angle yet. I hope I was able to help!

  2. sorry, but no one is going to give you an idea on here because most of us want to be authors like you or already are and we need to use them. but to come up eith an idea, take a walk in the park, say what if blah blah blah or just eat an apple pie. I came up with my idea while talking about absolutely nothing during a commercial break with my mom. bb
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