
Stovetop ESPRESSO makers?

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i know there's different types of stovetop makers like 2 cups, 4 cups, etc.... when i have espresso i usually have a doppio (double) does that mean that i could only make one doppio with a 2 cup maker? also, if i have a 3 or 4 cup maker but i only want to make 1 or 2 cups can i still do that just by reducing the amount of water and espresso grind in the stovetop? Thank you!




  1. When you buy the bigger makers, you still have to fill them to the top with the espresso coffee and to the limit with water.  So, if you buy a 4 cup, you have make 4 cups.  If you only drink 2 cups, you're better off with the smaller maker.  You can't reduce the amount because the coffee won't cook right.  It's not the other coffee makers that drip, being the espresso makers are made with the water coming from down below and up, you need to have the maximum amount the coffee maker takes.

    If you buy a 4 cup maker, you would fill it each time you  make espresso, you would have to fill it with the water and the amount of espresso coffee.  I know this because I make it all the time and I have a HUGE maker for when I make Tiramisu and then a medium maker for company, but when it's just 2 people, I don't have a smaller maker.  I can't adjust the amount of coffee, I just have to use the medium one and what doesn't get drank ends up going to waste.  It's sad, but that's how it is.  

    I hope I didn't confuse you and that this helps.  Basically, you have to fill the stove top makers to the capacity that it takes.  So if you buy a 4 cup, that's how much you have to make each time you use it.  

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