
Str8 women: Would you like it if there were as much social/media pressure on men to look good....?

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..... as there is on women?




  1. Firstly - why would this be a 'straight only' you think that lesbians do not have societal/media pressure on them to look good?  Are they not women?

    Secondly - two wrongs don't make a right.

    Third - Women are not quite as vindictive as you seem to think they are.

    So - the answer is no.

  2. I would prefer there was no social pressure on ANYONE to look good.

  3. There is just no way possible for that to be profitable enough for a company to bother. Men just don't care.

  4. No. I don't like the metrosexual types. Recently one of my male friends started using self-tanner and I thought it was ridiculous, lol. But I agree with one of the posters above: there really shouldn't be pressure on anyone to look good.

  5. Nope, I don't agree with it for women and wouldn't for men.

  6. No, I wouldn't like it if there were social / media pressures on men to look good.  Social and Media pressure feed insecurites.  There is pressure on men to be successful providers, but most men are not at all successful so the pressure is a big failure all around.  Most modern households rely on two incomes due to couples over-extending themselves and living beyond their means.  Media pressure has played a role in this typical lifestyle as well.  I do not wish the same media pressure on men, at all.  If men want to look good, they should do it for themselves, but please remember to add to your personalities, skill set, and education along-the-way, because there is nothing as boring as a good-looking but hapless Man-nequin.  And yeah, why is this only for "straight" women?  Don't count anyone out.  Most of the beautiful women I know are only a few drinks away from being "hetero-flexible" anyway.

  7. Edit to Dianne-Well he said straight women, because of this relating to their sexual interest and checking out men or that being their focus and not towards women as well. Therefore, he asked to make this just about men, therefore, leaving out bisexual women. But then most women are probably not truly staight anyways and some liking to b***s to some extent, visually in the sexual sense, like you said about the heteroflexible thing, which is a PC word for bisexual?

    Anyway I don't think the question was related to how women are vindicitve or anything. I believe the pressure comes more from the media than men, as a lot of these flaws men don't really see or notice until women point them out or they see in each other or from the media. He didn't mention L*****n, because, well the consensus is that men are more visual than women generally speaking, so women into women aren't going to prioritize the physical as much as men do.

  8. No, I think it would be awful.  it's bad enough that women never stop fussing about their looks, without men starting as well.

    I was appalled a while ago when I saw an ad on the TV for men's anti-wrinkle cream, with Pierce Brosnan.  I mean, it's coming to something when James Bond starts advertising face cream for men, how girly can you get?

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