
Straight females, are you turned on by a female's body?

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I find the female's body much more attractive than the male's body and I also love looking at it. However, I haven't had any sexual experience with a female so far.




  1. I think women can be beautiful, even stunning, but I have no sexual attraction to them.  A mans body gives me much more satisfaction.

  2. I agree with you dear, the female form is a beautiful thing to behold.  Of course, I'm a guy, but if I were a girl, I'd be a L*****n or at least bi-sexual.

    From what you say I would consider you at least "bi-curious" and it's just a matter of time till you "get your feet wet", so to speak.  Go girl!  And enjoy.  At least you can't get anyone pregnant.  That's a plus.

  3. yes i really think so too....i' m like a dude  at times checkin out a small waist and a nice round butt..but i'm into different shapes and forms as well..

  4. Ummm, you are probably bisexual and in the visual sense, it would seem that you would be more on the L*****n side. So if you are straitish it would have to be from the emotional aspect which I'm assuming that keeps you seeing yourself as straight and perhaps the physical attraction and liking of men's bodies from just the difference, strength, pleasure and rooted from the emotional attraction to men and this goes for the other women who said they find women's bodies more or much more attractive but are supposedly straight.

    You ladies really got to explain this thing called s*x, all I know is that all the straight women I know appreciate a pretty woman, but find a man's broadshoulders, pecs, cute butt (according to them), etc more attractive features and parts than b***s, wide hips, etc, which one would have thought straight women would see things unless they are just kidding themselves or in denial about their heterosexuality, because other wise, what makes you and the few other women who said the same thing as you or similar straight? Molly B and Kessie had answers I would have assumed straight women would say.

  5. If I was turned on by a female's body, I wouldn't be straight now would I?  However, having an artist's soul, I find all living creatures spectacular and beautiful.

  6. I think if people in general (regardless of gender) was told to give a picture that most represents sexuality to them, it would be the female form.

    It is normal to find it beautiful and sensual.

  7. Of course a woman's body is more attractive than a males. I think women tend to be attracted to other women, maybe not sexually but just attracted to them. I tend to look at women to compare, not necessarily an attraction.

  8. Hey Jenny I have a lot of L*****n friends we should hang out.

    I am not a L*****n but I agree there is more to look at on a female.

  9. yes

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