
Straight guys, can you help me understand?

by  |  earlier

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I am an aggressive g*y guy, and I will stare at a guy I like (making strong eye contact) to know whether or not to approach him. I think if the guy is straight that sometimes he thinks I want to fight him.

Do straight guys stare each other in the eyes when they want to fight?

Also, any suggestions on how you would approach guys if you were g*y? Especially if you don't know right away if they are g*y?




  1. you need to blow a kiss whilst you are staring - if they dont blow you one back they are not g*y and you need to leg it

  2. Staring aggressively at ANYBODY is considered very rude in this society. Don't you understand that? It's only going to anger or annoy the person. Just strike up a conversation with them and use your judgement if they are g*y.

  3. That eye contact thing don't cut it. If some guy want to hold my eyes like that it must be some challenge cause it cannot be anything s**y. Maybe you can just talk to people like normal till you get to know them. If the guy is straight it will be very clear in time. Otherwise, if you make casual aqaintance with him you better ask him what road he takes before trying to 'fondle his bumble' or something. If he is not g*y you might even lose a friend. That is life. Some guys don't care if you are g*y as long as you don't 'affect' them. If some guy - friend or not sticks his tongue out at me are some thing like that it almost feel like a physical attack on me. If he ask me a question that would be easier. I can simply say 'no not here', and he can keep it moving to his own lodge. Not a problem there. Hope I helped.


  4. Dude.. when a straight guy stares at a girl he may get slapped...

    slapping isn't what guys do so I think you may get the point

  5. You will learn in prison that eye contact is a sign of aggression. They either think you want to fight or you are g*y, either way it pisses them off.

  6. Staring at some one as you describe is asking for a smack in the mouth. You have probably found that out already !

  7. It would irritate me. I would not necessarily assume that you want to fight me but if you keep staring and you approach me and I am somewhat drunk, I might swing at you. It all depends on whether I went to the bar to drown some pain or in a perfectly relaxed mood.

    It might be a good idea to make some upfront effort to determine whether your target is g*y before you put your moves on him.

    Keep in mind that some straight guys do not like to be touched. Just imagine the outcome of staring at a guy like that, especially if he had a bad day.

    Per your clarification, 'making eye contact' & 'aggressive staring' are two very different things. You may need to clarify that to yourself.

    As to how you would be able to tell g*y from straight, I am afraid that I cannot be of much help there. You could try making small talk about a baseball game or something.

    Let your first move be something other than an attempt at an amorous connection.  This is also applicable for straight guys when meeting a girl.

    Another thing that I would mention is to get out there and try things out on your own. Watching movies or reading advice books/columns will not take you too far.

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