
Straight hair>>>>>>>>>>>>curly?

by  |  earlier

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ok, i have naturally striaght hair like this: but about an inch longer.

i want to make it curly like this: but i don't want to curl it every single day or put curlers in my hair one night then wait a couple days till i wash it...

how could i do that? thanks!

♥ gep™ ♥




  1. you could get a perm...but i think that your hair would look better straight anyway! People don't curl their hair anymore. You mostly see straight hair enless your going out on a rare acation!

  2. Well if your hair is like the style in the picture above, then it would look better straight. Ir you really want to make your hair curly, then you should look into a perm (perms don't have to look like poodles anymore lol, they have some more looser curls, etc.) If you keep your hair hydrated and healthy your perm won't damage your hair like more people think it would. Oh, and people do still curl your hair everyday, look in and how-to fashion mags and they shows you how ta make your hair curly/wavy with curling irons, etc.

    I Hope I Helped! Feel free to email me with any questions....

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