
Straight men are you sometimes curious about being with another man?

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Then why do you twerps assume women are?




  1. The situation is not so simple.

    Avery human being goes through a phase in early adolescence, when he/she is emotionaly and even sexually more interested in the same gender than in the opposite one. What differs, is the impact of culture.

    In some cultures, it doesn't matter, so it expires naturally.

    In some cultures, it is encouraged. Antic Greeks, for instance believed, that a sort of as homosexual involvement is an inevitable phase in the developement of any boy. Even as grown-up men they prized homosehual love of men above the love of a man for a woman, which was only for reproduction.

    Now, except the ancient greek poetess Sappfo, there is no record that homosexual love between women woulld have any special meaning or price. But it was more or less a necessity. In many cultures men have had many opportunities to relieve their sexual urges one way or another, while women were closely guarded. In some cases because they needed to remain virgins until marriage, in other cases from religious reasons, as with the priestess of the goddess Moon, so- called Amazonians. In all these cases some women found a natural potlet for their pent-up sexuality by making love to other women.

    Men in their soul are very insecure beings. So, they are afraid they don't know how to please a woman really well, as half the time they are in the dark. They think logically and cannot understand that a woman doesn't always respond in the same way when they push the same "button". So they logically assume that women know each other better and can please each other better. It is at the same time their worst nightmare and the most alluring sexual fantasy - to be able to satisfy a woman as a woman does or to be present at a L*****n intercourse to reveal the secret.

    That is why men are ready to assume that women are prone to be interested in other women.  

  2. I did not get the memo appointing me to speak for all "Straight Men", and I missed the Patriarchy meeting last month. So here is one straight Husband, Divorced Father and Grandfather's opinion. No. I am not interested nor am I curious about being with another Man. Does not even come into question.

    Some Men who are perceived Straight might be. Others who are straight due to societal or Family pressures, may be hiding their BiSexual natures. I have a friend who is married has a child, and has been with other Men. He is horrified at the thought of being outed.

    He told me his attraction. I informed him it was a no go, and I have zero attraction to Men, other than friendship. I have no Brothers. And have a Friend whose Family considers me a Family member. We have a Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp type friendship.

    I helped him through a painful Divorce. And got in his face about some self destructive behavior. And gave him a stern lecture on his Boorish behavior. I also held him while he cried tears of regret. And helped him to grieve over his marriage, and to heal and move on.

    We hang out, smoke Cuban Cigars, Drink Expensive Scotch and talk Politics, Guns, Investments, the meaning of Life etc. We go fishing. His Brothers and I are friends now. And I encourage him in his Fatherhood to his Son.

    A L*****n a couple of years ago, pretended to be a Man for a year. And wrote a book about her Experience. It was incite full about Male behavior. I applaud her candor and willingness to disclose what she learned. Male Sexuality is different than Female Sexuality.  

  3. Um noo,  why would we thats called being g*y.

  4. That's a good question. That's why I wonder why so many men seem to be convinced that woman want to do away with them just because they want rights. They don't seem to understand that the vast majority of women aren't interested in doing away with men and going g*y.

  5. This was originally  asked by a homosexual dude, because he was curious to know if straight people sometimes fantasize about this, not to attack you.

    And no im not.

  6. No... I'm not curious.

    I mean, not anymore.

  7. Nope.

    I don't.

    (But it's interesting to watch when they do)

  8. LOL  I am not a man, but I doubt you will find any man willing to confess that he was curious about being with another man, regardless if he has or has not.  After all, it would not be the "macho" thing for them to say now is it?!  LMAO!  =P

  9. Um, no we aren't.  But the reason I think men believe women might be is because they're more physically affectionate with their female friends than men are with their male friends.

    1. They'll sit on one another's lap.

    2. They hold hands.

    3. A lot of women admit they've "experimented" with other women.  (Men who are straight almost "never" and I repeat "never' do this.)

    There might be more reasons...but right now that's all I got.

  10. I considered having s*x with another man about twice in my life and only for a few minutes.   I decided it wasn't for me.

    I'm not sure what your second question is asking.

  11. no i don't think that men r curious to be with other men ,


    1)but men r always curious to be with women that i agree.


    2)i am not included in that section  which believe that women r curious about s*x.

  12. No never..yuck..real men dont think that way.

  13. no, never

  14. no. Hey, who you calling twerps? lol. Guys wouldn't say or think that if they didn't see girls making out in clubs, bars and other places. Or so many girls talk about having had a sexual experience with a girl, or thinking about it, or having fantasized about it or up to trying something or not being against it. And then on YA or other online forums there are many women saying they have fantasized about women, kissed a girl, or had s*x, or have found themselves wondering what it would be like having s*x or kissing an attractive woman, or have sometimes been turned on by attractive women in pictures, films or in person. And also not to mention how many women have mentioned of being turned on by L*****n p**n.

    Of course beautiful women going at it, is a turn on for most men. And this includes me. But while it's nice that many women are attracted to women and have bisexual tendencies. While on the surface it seemed cool or great when reading how seemingly most or more than half of women are bicurious or have bisexual tendencies to some extent on the surface, but when thinking about it more deeply, it wasn't as great of a thought as I would have thought and a little disheartening in the scheme of things if you kind of get my point of view when thinking into it well enough as far as men sexually to women.

    It's weird to think, that while I like women into each other, I like to see that many women are like you and not attracted to women at all either, which most women I know aren't either. I actually like it that there are actually a decent amount of straight as an arrow women. The reason there isn't this with men, is because some men might have the tendencies but are definitely going to be more reluctant of admitting it, because of male homosexuality is much more stigmatized, whereas, bisexuality with women is a turn on because men like it. And another reason is just straight men are just simply, strictly governed by their eyes and there are no questions as far as whom they are turned on and sexually attracted to and who they are not, unlike many women maybe. There's no such thing as "trying" to find out" as all the information is there to men visually to whether they want to have s*x with a woman or man.

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