
Straight razor as a weapon?

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What do you think of a straight razor as a weapon? I have to say, a couple good slashes and your finished.




  1. I definetly agree with Michael K on this one. No sense going to prison, or at the very least winding up with a felony for carrying a concealed weapon.

  2. sounds like a winner to me. i guess it depends on the situation. if somebody has a gun it's probably not helping you so much. any weapon against an unarmed opponent is a definate plus though

  3. Wounds from a straight razor are surprisingly minor when compared to wounds created by stabbing weapons.  While they look particularly gruesome, they are often shallow, and as a result, not life-threatening.

    A straight razor, while very sharp, is pretty much only useful for slashing, and the size of the typical straight razor blade limits the severity of the wounds it can inflict.

  4. Granted a straight razor is an extremely effective cutting tool but it does have it's drawbacks. For one thing, the blade is very loose in the scales (handle) and it flops around a lot. You would probably stand just as much chance of getting cut with it as you would actually doing the cutting. Unless you are Sweeney Todd, and your victim is sitting right there in a chair in from of you with their neck exposed, I wouldn't bother using a straight razor. Use the razor for shaving like all men should (these disposables just are slack) a regular knife or pistol is more effective and easy to use. Just my two cents.  

  5. Although exceptionally leathal, it can only be used on one side, and with only a few inches exposed, it can be difficult to connect.  Also, because is is not curved, it does not facilitate slashing, and requires you to be ridiculously close to your attacker.  At that range, you have likley already nullified any weapon he had save for a knife or simmilar weapon and especially a  gun if he had one, and can be looking at jail time if you kill him when you could have just taken his weapon and fled.

    I know the pysics of a straight razor because I use one at work hundreds of times a day.

  6. It's basically a ridiculously sharp knife.  Just one slash across the jugular and you are gone.  like in sweeney todd.  

    you could slash anywhere and if you make contact, it will be deep

  7. "u see this!? u see what u get for messing with the Orphans!?" its a great weapon carry it for what ever reason u want. like u said this is america. in america we have the 4th amendment: illegal search and seziure. u cant get searched without probable cause

  8. NO THANKS!!

    Too easy to inadvertently kill somebody!

    Kinda' tough to plead "Self defense" if you are carrying  straight razor as a weapon.

  9. A razor is highly fatal.  Of course in today's day and age I'm not a big proponent of getting someone else's blood on me.  If I was attacked with a razor I'd counter with larger melee weapons like furniture, trash cans, newspaper stands, or whatever I could to keep the blade away from me.

  10. Yes...One slash and you are DONE. And unless the cops find him dead with a loaded gun in his hand YOU'LL be the one going to prison for life. A straight razor is classified as a deadly weapon....carrying one will get you in serious trouble with an arrest of Carry a Concealed Weapon.

    Get real....leave the weapons at home. Anything you are holding can be taken away from you and used on you by the attacker.

    Want a better defense? Run like h**l, dial 911 on your cellphone, then be there to testify at the trial.

  11. If by "good" you mean "well-placed", then yes it is a good weapon.  I personally don't want to depend on a knife or razor as a weapon because it is too easy for your attacker to turn it back on you.  I would rather have a handgun.

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