
Straight shiny Hair!? ):?

by Guest56375  |  earlier

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Does anyone know a solution to get straight Hair? My hair is wavy and I can't be bothered to straighten my hair every day, because If I were to it would get frizzy. Does anyone know any shampoo's or potions to put on your hair and after your hair is super straight? Also my hair is about as shiny as an old door k**b! does anyone know any solutions to make my hair shiny as well! I cannot find anything! Ive tried Lush items they don't do anything HELP ME PLEASE!?




  1. This Is The One Im Plannin To Try

    Hope I Helped


    K i n k y P i n k B a b ii e . . . x

  2. There are some shampoos that can make you hair straight but it wont make it super straight,

    you can buy no frizzy cream for your hair and it wont it frizzy

    Pantene is really good makes your hair staight and shiny!

  3. Hey there!A good solution is to use a straightening shampoo and conditioner. This will make your hair soft and easy to straighten. You can also use a bit of straightening serum. This will make your hair shiny and straight. Be careful to only use a tiny bit, otherwise your hair will be greasy.

    Good luck!

  4. well there are lots of shampoos conditionors and cremes available, however if u are thinking about having it done perminatley then you can go to any local salon and they could straighten it for you, so that it dosn't go back!

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