
Straightener burn on the face!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I've just burnt my cheek and I'm going out in an hour to meet my friends who I haven't seen in almost 3 months. Is there anything I can do to get rid of it because it will be in full view as I'm putting my hair behind my ears and then putting my hat on.




  1. Ouch! its bad enough burning your ear!

    It'll probably take longer then that to fade sorry :S


  2. lol

  3. I once burnt my nose with straighteners =/

    Thats guy Hair skills =|

    ermm the worst you can do it is put like savalon on it

    don't tuck your hair bhind your ears

    and it will go in about a week

    you'll get a blister but don't put anything on it

    just let it heals naturally

    i've still got a red mark though =/ splash water on it for about 10 mins.

  4. OMG that happened to me! You can't really do anything but try rubbing some aloe on it or if your hair is long you could try covering it.

  5. Um, you could try like concealer over it. I dont know what that will do though :p

    Ummm, The burn will most likely turn into a blister after a couple days & then go away in like a month. > <

    Even if it isnt that bad of a burn, it takes a while.

    Sorry. :/

  6. concealer and lots of it but treat it with burn cream first and do not pick at it all the best

  7. Ouch that happened to me with my 340 degree CHI. Theres nothing that you can really do but put a band aid over it. I'm sure you will get a chuckle from your friends though when you tell them the story=] lol don't worry

  8. ooohhh thats gotta hurt. sry lol. try some concealer.  

  9. Leave it you will either get lots of smypathy or give everyone a laugh.

    Have a great time.

  10. Put on paw paw lotion. That will get rid of the pain and redness. You could try and cover it with makeup, but don't worry about it. I've burned myself before, and it will be gone in a week or two.

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