
Strained muscle in neck...?

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I strained the right side of my neck from sleeping wrong last night. It REALLY hurts. i can barely move my neck

any suggestions on what to do?

my sister said i should move it slowly, is that good advice

and if its possible, how can i recover quickly, i'm going to go get a school i.d. tomorrow i don't want to have my head tilted to the left

thank you in advance





    You need magnesium, calcium and potassium to help you back muscles.  

  2. Take some ibuprofen (Motrin) which will reduce the pain and inflammation. During the first 48 hours after the injury you can ice or heat for 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off (repeat 3 cycles). Try slowly moving and stretching your neck, otherwise it will just get even more stiff.

    To stretch your neck muscle, sit down in a chair and have someone stand behind you. With their left hand have them grab the right side of your head as you turn to look to your left. With their right hand have them push down and back on your right shoulder. Slowly have them put more pressure on both your head and your shoulder. Do this for a few minutes and rest (repeat).

    You can also get a topical cream like Ben-g*y which will reduce the feeling of pain.

    (**this is only an recommendation. Consult your physician prior to following this treatment plan or taking any medication)

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