

by Guest60436  |  earlier

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You're stranded on a desert island and you can only take three things with you. What are they and why?

1. my bf, he's trained in survival

2. a knife for hunting and making shelter

3. and a piano for entertainment since i play, a little unorthadox....but hey it

10pts to first person who answers




  1. food -- to eat

    water --- to drink

    a boat -- to get home

  2. 1) a cellular phone. I am sure there has to be a tower somewhere with some frequencies...... Hmmmm. If not, then at least I can look through my pictures & phone book. (a portable picture book!)

    2) I would bring my "bf" if you will, for company purposes... Someone to chat with..

    3) a deck of cards... see reason 2 --- its about as much fun as you can have while stranded! Wooooo.. Presidents here I come sippin on some coconut juice!

  3. the boyfriend who's trained for survival ;)

  4. 1. My boyfriend to keep me alive.

    2. My kitty Lyla to make me laugh.

    3. My Ipod to keep me sane.
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