
Strange!! Any problem with my wireless router?

by  |  earlier

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I have 1 desktop (without wireless), 1 laptop with wireless, 1 modem connecting to broadband, and 1 wireless router with 4 switch ports.

When I use one of my PCs in one time, everything is ok (Connection when use desktop: modem --> router --> desktop, all wired. Connection when use laptop: modem --> router) but,,,

Doubt 1: if I use laptop while my router is connected to desktop with cable, the laptop can not get internet connected!

Doubt 2: if I use laptop first (can connect to internet) then I connect router to desktop with cable, this time desktop can not connect to internet!

Doubt 3: my laptop shows 2 small computer icons at bottom right without red X nor globe mark quite often, in these cases can get wireless signal but no internet connection. What is the reason?




  1. The way you should connect your setup

    Internet -> Modem ->Wireless Router ->Desktop and Laptop

    This set up should not require any modification to get your machines connected

    The problem is that you did not configure your Router correctly

    You should go to your router configuration page

    1) Set to use your Router as your DHCP server and enable DHCP

    2) Enable RIP (Routing Information Protocol) to enable your router to discover all connected devices

    This should enable you to use internet simultaneously for all machines

  2. It sounds like you just need to clone one of the MAC (media access control) addresses of one of your computer's network card.  Go one one of your computers.  Go to Start, Run (skip this step in Vista), type cmd, press enter.  Type this command: ipconfig /all  Your physical address is your MAC address.  If you are on a computer that has wireless, it will show you 2 different cards.  Make sure you are looking at the one for your wireless.  You need to take this physical address and clone this in your router.

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