
Strange Bearded Dragon Poo.?

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My Beardie has been eating mostly veggies for the past 2 days. He just did a very wierd, watery poo and I'm wondering if it's not right. Pictures:

When he first did the poo:


I noticed on the second picture that there was a bit of red - And there didnt seem to be any red ink on that newspaper page. Was it blood? :/

Any help appreciated :)




  1. Get him off of the lettuce. You should never feed a bearded dragon any type of lettuce. Go with a mixture of collards, mustard greens, dandelion greens and turnip greens, at least 3 of these. As for his veggies, use hard squash like butternut and acorn. I throw in a few peas, green beans, occasionally some peppers and carrots, parsnips and such.  If you need a good list please join the pagoda yahoo group. You will get a wealth of information here. If this continues, please get him to a vet and have him checked.

  2. Has your dragon ever had a fecal exam? He may need one, it's inexpensive and well worth it!

    The poo looks a little different than normal veggie poo also.. it's a lil mucousy and watery... It could be parasites, but I'm concerned about what you may be providing for his salad are not the best options. Check out for links with everything you need about a proper dragon diet and other potential health issues. Feel free to post a message if you need anything further. Please NEVER feed dragons any kind of LETTUCE!! It causes just this type of watery poo and can lead to dehydration-- 1 of the leading causes of death!  Lots of healthy greens and veggies every day. Here is a great food list:

    Any further questions please let me know! (You can join my group and find out a lot more about me and my experience and research there)

  3. Yea that looks pretty abnormal....what kind of veggies did you feed him?  

    If i were you, I'd just watch and see if it happens again.  If it does, take him to the vet.

    it may be a problem with absorbing the water of the veggies.  And yea, that did look like a little bit of blood in there.  Just watch, and if he does it again, go get him checked out.  

    hope your beardie isnt sick!!!

  4. im pretty sure that might be from either, lettuce (never feed them this in exess) such things as iceburg lettuce are mostly water and have not much nutritional value, that might be from feeding him that kind of thing, it could also be from not getting enough solids im not positive because i have a juvvie and he eats mostly crickets. But those do look kind of gnarly and the blood couldnt have come from that, i would take him to the vet if he does it again just to be sure hopefully its not too bad

  5. have you been feeding your beardie any new veggies? Stick with the normal stuff for now: Lettuce, Carrots, etc. Try giving him some more crickets, that might help. Who knows, he might just be like any other person, every once in a while getting diareha. Now the blood almost seems like a hemeroid, which i have heard of in beardies. but no big deal. if it continues though, take him to the vets

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