
Strange Bride hair question.?

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When should I take out my hair style?

I done my trail Yesterday and even on the trail I had a hard time taking out all the pins and hairspray. And on my Wedding day My hair dresser will use even more.

So should I keep my hair up and let hubby help me take it out. Get one of my friends to help me before we leave. Or do you have any suggestions on how to take all out without such a mission?




  1. LOL I understand your frustration! I had my husband help me after the wedding. It was really sweet.


  2. Senior Prom: My date helped me take out my hair b/c he wanted to see how many pins were really in it.  It was so sweet, sitting on the couch while he unpinned and combed out my hair so softly.

    Almost 10 years later to the day: My husband (same guy as prom date) helped me take my hair down after the wedding.  It was special to relive this moment on our day.

    Let your husband help you if he's a patient guy.  The experience will be sweet and romantic.  You may want to ask if he's interested in that because if he's not, it'll be a miserable time.

  3. Have your husband do it. When we got up to our hotel room after the reception, I undid my hair - which amazingly had stayed in place all day - yet, no 'helmet head' - peeled off my gown, and went into a warm shower right away, I didn't even comb my hair out first. The warm water and shampoo took care of the hair products.

  4. You might aswell keep your hair up and have your hubby help you take it out, if your paying to have your hair done it might aswell last for aslong as possible during that day =)

  5. I made my new husband remove all of the pins before he could enjoy the fun of the wedding night...

  6. Most of the brides around this area aren't even putting their hair up for their wedding anymore. Instead they are having a more natural look, even though it is done perfectly.

    But you could also get to your hotel and take the pins out, jump in the shower and dry it quickly. You'll both appreciate the time to take a shower. It shouldn't be a problem.  

  7. Try not to use so much hair spary. Use mousse instead. I took my hair down after the wedding and felt so much better. The hair style made it tight on my head and I ended up getting a headache.  

  8. its best to leave it till you get home ot a hotel so you can shower and get all teh hairspray out.  

  9. let the hubby help you...

  10. After we sealed the deal in the hotel room, my husband passed out and I spent like an hour in the bathroom mirror removing all of the pins!  My hair felt like straw and even though I washed it the next day, it looked terrible and felt terrible from having so much hairspray in it.  It did stay up and look good in the wedding pics though!

  11. When my sister got married, she had her hair done beautifully. And because it was so well 'stuck down' (lol) she kept it in over night and it was still beautiful the next day! She figured that she had paid so much money, she might as well get a couple of days out of it! :) And it then looked nice for when they went on their honeymoon (they left the morning after the wedding) So you could just leave it in, have it looking lovely for the next day, and then you dont have to worry about it. Congrats on the wedding :)  

  12. Get your hubby to help you.  That's what I was going to do, but it didn't happen that way.  My maid of honor and her fiance drove us back to the hotel and walked us up to our room since it was their wedding gift to us.  

    The guys decided to go outside for one more cigarette and my maid of honor stayed to help me take my hair down.  If she hadn't been there, then my husband would have helped.

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