
Strange Fact? If you take a jellyfish from salt water and put it in fresh water it will swell? share ur facts!

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I was reading my biology book for school and I found that if you take a jellyfish from its salt water environment and put it in fresh water it will swell and eventually burst? I think that is kinda cool, that may seem mean but I just think it is a strange fact.

What other strange/cool facts do you know of?




  1. A goldfish has a memory span of 3 seconds

    there were like 20,000 oranges and sausages that sank on the titanic

    if you try too much to keep ur eyes open when u sneeze ur eyeballs can pop out

    for every one person on earth there are about a million ants

  2. I never knew that, about the jellyfish thing.

    And that egg thing seems really awesome.

    So trying that out!

    Uhm, lets see.

    I honestly can't think of anything but,

    if you stick a blade of grass far enough up your nose, it's supposed to make you faint.

    I don't really know, and I'm not trying it.

  3. You can do an experiment with an egg to demonstrate osmosis (movement of water across a membrane).

    1. Soak the bottom of an egg in Coke for a week.  This will dissolve the shell away, leaving the egg membrane (scary!  Think of your teeth!).

    2.  Gently and very carefully make a hole in the top of the egg (where there's still shell) and insert a straw.  Use some wax or other method to make sure there is a good seal .

    3.  Now place the bottom (membrane side) of the egg in distilled water.  

    Over a few days water will be pulled across the egg membrane into the egg, forcing the contents of the egg up the straw.

    Best way to teach osmosis EVER.  The tech in my high school set this up when I was in 9th grade.

  4. IM not really sure. It could but you could look it up on google or

  5. Yes its very interesting. It's called osmosis and you can see the effects for yourself by doing an experiment like putting a piece of potato into varying concentrations of salt or sugar solutions. You will see the effects of osmosis!! It's so much fun. Just google osmosis experiments and it should come up!!

  6. Not really strange, but I thought I was a badass when I told my friends when I was a kid.







    That's all I can think of right now, agh.

  7. an ostriches eye is bigger than it's brain.

  8. More people die every year eating sharks than getting eaten by sharks.

    Sharks are immune to both cancer and HIV

    You can take the bioluminescent gene from a bacteria and put it into almost any organism to make it glow

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