
Strange Happening? ..Paranormal?

by  |  earlier

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Assuming there is such thing as ghosts/spirits/preminitions, etc., could this be something.. or just my imagination?

So the "happening" was I heard a window open beside me (while the blinds were closed so I couldn't actually see) . Our windows were old and opened upwards so it was a loud distinct sound. The thing is, the window I heard open was the window that was painted shut years prior and is impossible to physically open. So my question is, would it be possible to hear sounds from the past or do you think I may just have a vivid imagination?




  1. Ummmmmm

    Did you like.......get up and actually go look at the window?

  2. it could possibly be an angel who is trying to look after you like your guardian angel. but if this is bothering you, pray to God and ask him what is going on. if tyhe spirit is evil, ask God to send it away.

  3. I think it might be a ghost. I have encounter some stuff with ghost in the past. I got attack by a ghost the onne i saw was a shadow person look it up at wiki. Llooked like hooded dementer except it had no legs. I would suggest u email me if u have any more issues or just wanna talk about anything.

    anything is possible

  4. Sometimes a ghost doesn't know that their dead. Therefore any changes don't effect them unless there major. So what you heard was probably a ghost continuing it's daily routine when it had life and opening the window. I hope I helped a little.

    ~Blessed Be

  5. yeah I lived in a house where every night you could hear an old time radio ..usually baseball from the 1920s

    I lived in the middle of nowhere people for miles and the bears didnt have radios

  6. It would be possible if your house were haunted.   I lived in a haunted home where  you could often hear glass breaking and shattering (loud) but there was never any broken glass to be found.   It wasn't our imaginations because the people presently living there contacted us to ask if we had experienced the same things they are now.

  7. I am a paranormal investigator.  You could have a residual haunting.  They are like a movie playback of a past event.  They happen at the same time of day, month, year that the original event occurred.  You can't interact with these events, they will happen and they are not aware of you.  There are intelligent hauntings also.  These will interact and even answer questions during EVP recordings, and they are aware you are in their realm.  Hope this helps!

  8. In my opinion, and I dont know if this answers your question or not but....

    I believe that some spirits might just be parts of the past....

    I believe that life and death are in planes... -check out the book Astral Dynamics- I think sometimes the past connects with the present and future.... So sometimes when things are repeated, its kind of like a glitch in a game.

    I know it sounds weird, but nothing is weird when it comes to paranormal stuff. Because no one is right or wrong about something that has no set in stone proof.

  9. I think you heard a sound, didn't know what it was and your mind matched it to the sound of that window opening to try and rationalise it. Especially if it happened if while you were a little sleepy.

  10. This needn't be blamed on a vivid imagination necessarily.  It could be you actually heard something and attributed the source of the sound to the window opening.

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