
Strange ???Imaginary Friend belonging to my daughter`s friend (10yr old)?

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My daughter is almost 10, Her girlfriend is 10.His name is sauske(the imainary friend), if she was younger it would`nt bother me. Her friend spent the night. We all got sick the next day, probaly coincidence, I know, this girl comes from a family, who believes in the spiritual realm in Christianity-(Holy Roller), which I have had been involved wth myself.So I know this is not part of their "religion" I`m sorta spooked by this COMMENTS PLEASE.. Don`t tell me to go to R&S, they can be MEAN!!




  1. You are making a mountain out of a mole hill. Be careful what you say around your daughter and her friend.You don't want to involve her in silliness like psychic vampires and visitors from the spirit realm.

  2. sure it was just a coincidence ..your putting to much and reading too much into it she probably just has a very over active imagination and even if it was a spirit did she seem scared??? if not then there's nothing to be concerned about .. it could be just like if you've had a fav stuffed animal as a child it's hard to just give it up maybe this is something she's had for a long time and just hasn't grown out of it yet i think ur just reading into it to much i kinda have the same problem if i watch a show like ghost hunters then i'm scared of every noise in my house but really it just me being silly and reading to much into it when really it's nothing just chill

  3. Did you all eat the same thing for dinner?

    Food poisoning sounds more rational, unless you have a gas leak in the house.

    But I don't understand the part about the imaginary friend, or the girls' religion.

    Or how any of that is relevant.

  4. I believe the illness is just a coincidence.

    As for a 10 year old with an imaginary friend, well that could be for a number of reasons.

    A simplistic answer is this"friend" could be a sort of security blanket, at least she has one comfort of "home".

    Another could be that she is often pushed into this religion and wants attention. So therefor if she has an imaginary friend then she is getting that attention she wants by going against this.

    She may have a ghost friend that is attached to her.

    This is highly unlikely because ghosts usually are attached to land or property.

    The last resort could be a spirit friend, who travels with her a spirit guide of sorts.

  5. It is possible that this person may be known as what is referred to as a "psychic vampire". These people feed off the energy of those around them and commonly cause sickness or a feeling of lack of energy. Most psychic vampires know what they do and normaly only "feed" off of willing donors. However, since this child is so young she may not know about these sorts of things yet and may not even know she is doing it. I would recommend reading more on this subject on the internet or the late night show "Coast to Coast AM" has covered this topic multiple times and would be a good source of information. I wish you the best of luck and hope you and your family is feeling well.

  6. I know that those churches do a lot of "deliverances". She might have picked up a spirit there.

  7. I wold not worry about it.  See---

  8. Watch the Tv show/ Manga "Naruto". I think this is where your daughters friend picked up her imaginary friend because (le gasp) and coincidentally enough there is a character on this show named sauske. This is a very popular show on the channel cartoon network. if she or an older sibling watch it this is the most notable cause for the imaginary friend. and you all getting sick, what did you eat the previous night? did you go to a doctor to have yourself tested for mild food poisoning? just drinking some milk with a bit of bacteria in it can cause stomach cramps, diareaah vomiting and general flu like symptoms.

    this name is a popular one in japanese manga cartoons, just research it as "saske"

  9. well... I believe in ghosts...imaginary friends? never had one but I believe there are some strange things going around us that we don't know about! I usually have "encounters" with ghosts..not like I can talk to them...but sometimes they do bother me! i mean like picking my hair, or touching my back...or just that thing like a whisper in my ear and no one is around! mmm there's not much I can do about it!...when my (dead)grandfather started turning on the blender in the kitchen at 3 am...well it was freaky! so we tried to reach into our catholic side and prayed! I'm not very catholic but I prayed! aunt once told me my niece (when she was like 2 or 3 years old) saw a little person running around the house and played with her...she just grabbed a bunch of colored ribbons tied them together like a ball and hung it on the door...the problem was solved.

  10. I agree with Beth.

    Chalk it down as coincidence.

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