
Strange Spider?

by Guest44599  |  earlier

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I found a small (2-3 cm long) spider in my bathroom. It was jet black, very thin, and its legs were to the front and back, rather than spread out like most spiders. It was moving very slowly. I want to know if it's poisonous or not because bugs get into my apartment all of the time ( there is a huge gap under the front door), and I have two lovebirds. Anyone know what it is?




  1. It is not poisnous. Thats for sure. If anything that spider is eating small insects that you might find really irritating. let him live. If its in the bath slip a news paper under it because its exhausted trying to get out, and once its on the newspaper. just leave it in the wont hurt you or your pets, its actually doing you a favour.

    if its just scuttling around , its scared of you. let it live, because it is actually good for the house.

    That is the truth.

  2. I guessing its a Daddy Long Legs. These spiders have very long, thin legs. They usually move very slowly. I'm pretty sure the Daddy Long Legs is not poisonous.
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