
Strange behaviour?What should I think?

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This guy I like is confident,s**y,flirty..with everyone but me.When we meet in company he never makes eye contact with me,he answers my questions but never looks at me while doing it.Yet to every other and far more attractive women,he has deep professional eye contact.Thing is,he told me that he loved me a few times,but I never acted on it cause his behaviour and his standoffishness made me doubt him.We had a big fight where he gave me an ultimatum to tell him if I loved him or not.The things he said during he fight were so cruel that I chickened out and we barely spoke for a long time.Lately I have been making an effort cause I miss the guy and still love him.He responds well on a one to one and looks into my eyes,but again,if someone else is there,he will look anywhere but at me.What gives?Is he telling me in a gentle way to **** off?Or is he waiting for me to make the first move in resolving this?




  1. Reading your words I had the feeling he loves you, and as you sad he is waiting for you movement. Well, I understand him, because he told you what he feels for you more than once. May be he's a little "strut" (I don't know if this is the proper word, I can't speak English so well...) and so he doesn't want to look...mmm...kind of stupid. Help this guy if you love him, talk to him and tell to him what are your feelings. Bye

  2. I wouldn't want to be with someone who would say cruel or hurtful things to me, even if he is mad. I try my best not to hurt others and I don't want to be hurt.

    If you love him and know him well enough to trust that he wont use this information against you, I think you should tell him how you feel and just tell him that you were scared. If he's worth having he will respect your feelings.  

  3. err have you actually had a RELATIONSHIP or did he just blurt out I LOVE YOU?

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