So for as long as I can remember, I've had this strange visiion issue EVERYWHERE I look. It's like, nothing is perfectly clear. If I stare at the wall beside my monitor, I can see millions of little.. dots it almost appears. If I stare at white walls, for example, I can see almost black.. shadows moving across the wall,but they're very feint so it's somewhat hard to see them.
Anyway, I've had this issue for as long as I can remember, but it's just starting to bother me recently. Is this a known human eye problem?
I'm not refering to looking at the sky and seeing those little red particle like things moving around, as I know that is natural. I'm just worried about going blind, as I'm not sure I'd be able to live blind.
Also, I think I have an eye-doctor appointment next week, so if you guys can't help maybe that eye doctor can.
Anyways, I appreciate the help!