ok, i had a really strange dream, i go to a catholic private school but im presbitarian by birth. well, i had a dream that 3 big king cobras followed me into the church of my school as i was walking up to the front part of the church where the holy communion is kept, i love snakes. and once im up in the front of the church, the snakes bite me, and after the bite i black out, and im standing in a grave yard, and the snaked are chasing me and the father is closing the churches doors saying that i am bringing the evil of the world in and that i will die. and i am blasted back by white light and i find my self back in the church sitting in a pew, but i have this feeling that im possesed and the father comes back and trys to bless me with a cleansing prayer to saint michal but once he comes close to me he gets blasted away and the church collaps and i wake up thinking of a grave stone with my name written on it, what does it mean?
its the 5 th time this week and parents are in korea