
Strange church dream? please help?

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ok, i had a really strange dream, i go to a catholic private school but im presbitarian by birth. well, i had a dream that 3 big king cobras followed me into the church of my school as i was walking up to the front part of the church where the holy communion is kept, i love snakes. and once im up in the front of the church, the snakes bite me, and after the bite i black out, and im standing in a grave yard, and the snaked are chasing me and the father is closing the churches doors saying that i am bringing the evil of the world in and that i will die. and i am blasted back by white light and i find my self back in the church sitting in a pew, but i have this feeling that im possesed and the father comes back and trys to bless me with a cleansing prayer to saint michal but once he comes close to me he gets blasted away and the church collaps and i wake up thinking of a grave stone with my name written on it, what does it mean?

its the 5 th time this week and parents are in korea




  1. I think u have been watching too many satanic movies and maybe ur having troubles going from good girl to really wanting to be a BAD girl.

  2. Google it.

  3. This dream shows your inner struggle with your upbringing and everything else you have learned since.

    The snakes [which you love] are trying to tell you something. If need be with force [i.e the biting and chasing]. Your subconscious knows that knowledge and logic is a better basis in this world that mindless religion. However there is still a part in you that is scared of letting go of the ingrained [and taught] religiousness. I am happy to notice that in the end your own mind blasts the priest away, because you have learned enough to trust yourself even if it feels uncomfortable.

    You are an intelligent person and have more insight than you consciously know. Well done.

  4. pray about it and God will tell you, but I have no idea

  5. If you are at or near could be your subconciously

    becoming aware of your sexuality.  The snake was utilized

    in many ancient cultures as a phallic symbol.

  6. it could be a sign to be careful because someone will come a smooth as a snake and destroy you

  7. nekochi has the right of it. Snakes (especially poisonous ones) were used in the worship of the Goddess. Priestesses had the snakes bite them to trance and "see beyond this world".  

    I think you are being called by the Goddess to help usher in a new age - one where we will all be equals, and patriarchy-based religion and control will fall away. The priest has no authority over you, nor does his male saint.

    I know from experience that it is hard to break free from things that have been ingrained in you since birth - but you can see beyond the veil.  Look, see, study, and understand. Trust your instincts and feelings - and use the mind and talents you were given.  Truth is where you find it - not what someone tells you it must be.

  8. As opposed to the above answer I suggest a scientific/medical  veiw.

    Maybe you should see a psychiatrist, I'm not saying your insane or anything, but something could be on your mind, you wouldn't have to see them all the time, just a one stop visit top ask "Why?" or "What dose this mean?" most psychiatrists can analyze dreams. As dreams are a way of your mind solving a problem or thinking over something.

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