
Strange dream, interpretation please?

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My daughter who is two lost some teeth while sleeping. When my MIL brought them to me to look at the teeth were crystal and you could sort of see through them, they were really pretty but when I dropped them on the floor they turned into ugly pools of blood and I became conserned that my daughter was losing her teeth too early? What do you think this dream means?




  1. parenting is a pre ordained & eternal job.  you see this when you see chrystal.  you loose some ground, maybe become less parenty as she ages.  not a prophecy or probability, just a little fine tuning in you subsectors:

    dreams are often your spirit or subconscience lets say for the agnostic, communicating with you.  It may be other spirit forms but usully it's just you communication with you.

    write the dream down as soon as you can.  also keep a recording device near by your sleeping place.  Pen & paper will do fine.  As soon as you wake plan to record the dream. visualize doing this as you drift off to sleep.  this is a "wake-up" call to your spirit, letting you know that you are listening and feel that what is dreampt is important

  2. Hmmm, First of this is just an opinion and im not trying to insult your daughter, maybe this means your daughter will have a foul mouth, just saying she could be pretty "like the crystals" but, deep inside the blood is an ugly foul child.

    well, thats all i have =\ sorry if i offend you but, im just trying.

  3. This is a dream about loss of innocence. You see your daughter as growing up too fast -- the crystals are pretty to look at -- [innocence], but then they turn into "ugly pools of blood". [loss of innocence]. If this is your 1st child, don't worry. All moms think their children grow up to fast. If you have other, older kids, then you KNOW they grow up too fast.

    Just make sure you create good memories with her while she is small: that way, you'll have something to look back on when she does get older.

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