
Strange dream, need explanation...

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I've had the same dream several times. In it, I buy a house, and from the window, a river begins to flow. It's kind of disturbing. I always wake up at that point. I believe in dream meanings and wanted to know what it meant. Thanks!




  1. Houses represent our psyche and water represents emotions.  It appears that you can see that you're emotions are flowing in a disturbing way.  You are an observer so this means you won't acknowledge this problem.

    What is it that is bothering you that you don't want to face?

  2. Your dream is one of some inner anxiety that suggests that while you look forward to opportunity in life you have a deep concern for risk.

    A house generally represents home or a safe place or state of being where a person expects shelter - whether emotionally, financially, literally or otherwise - generally security and well being.  

    Rivers flow with a determined intensity - they do not represent a momentary movement in the mind but an unceasing one that can leave wonderment as to when the source might be exhausted.  Where that fits in personally can imply alarm as to what may be lost.  In this case, the river flowing from the window is as if your hard-earned success is slipping away from you as its source is in that place you would expect to find safety.

    Take a look at your circumstances and thoughts of where you are and may be headed in life.  We live in challenging times - the road to success is not always so clear and many find plans muddled and potential outcomes worrisome.  If you find this true to some degree for yourself then perhaps some of these points can help explain your dreams.  From that you might be able to focus more on the message and find a more comforting way forward in life.

    That latter point seems to be the 'message': not that disaster will come, but that you need to focus on the issues that challenge so as to tackle them with confidence.

    All the best to you.

  3. I think it means that you're worried that as you take on greater responsibilities in life you'll make a terrible mistake, something that will haunt you.  Buying a house is one of the bigger, stressful life decisions that people make.  In your dream you managed to pick a house that has a river in it.  Way to go!  But it's OK, having the dream means you'll be careful about big decisions in real life.  And you'll always get your houses inspected for active rivers before you buy them!

    Next time you have the dream, try to take out your cell phone and call a lawyer.  Or better yet, hop on an innertube and float off down the river.

  4. To buy or build a new home, denotes profitable undertakings, happy homes, and strong family ties. To look through a window, and see only things that make you happy and comfortable, your life will be just the same - happy and comfortable. If you see a clear, smooth, flowing river in your dream, you will soon succeed to the enjoyment of delightful pleasures, and prosperity will bear flattering promises. So in other words, you should not be scared at all about this dream, because everything in it tells that you will have an amazing future! Just be patient.

  5. A house is a safe place and most of the time is a symbol of your body or your self inside.

    This dream disturbs you.  And you write that the river flows 'from the window'.

    You may be feeling that you are giving more than you are receiving and your energy, material goods, time, etc are flowing away from you.

    If this is true in your waking life find out where you are being drained and try to stop it.  A river is usually a symbol of good things or of time itself.  Analyze your life and get in the flow rather than expending it.

  6. Probably that elucidates that you desire to buy a big house with great scenery like that river flowing.

    If you dream that again,and you are in that precise situation,get outside that 'house' and figure where you are,as you didn't cite where your house location is.That would be interesting if you try it out.

  7.     The house represents you. The river represents your life. You see it flowing by before you, and instead of being part of the river, you are only watching.

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