
Strange dream, similar ones before?

by  |  earlier

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last night i had a dream about this girl that i love like has been on and off friends with me for two years now since we started fighting(we were bestfriends for 2 before). i went to her house and her sister answered the door. she was like "she's not here right now, but her and her dad will be back soon, so come on in". so i went in and waited. she came home and she had blonde hair, but her hair is actually brown. but she ignored me and acted like i wasn't there and went up to her room. then her sister was like "why don't you go up and see what she's up to?" and i was like no i can't she'll get mad. so i stayed in her living room. here sister and her dad started fighting. then she never came down i don't think; i woke up at that point. what does all this mean. i've had dreams before about being at her house.




  1. The fact that she was not home when you went to see her means that you feel that she has deserted you. You said that the two of you had been friends in real life and you were now fighting. When (in your dream) she comes home as a blonde when she is actually a brunette means that you feel that she has changed from the person you used to know and she may be ignoring you in real life just as she did in the dream. Her sister encouraging you to talk to her symbolizes your need to straighten things out with her in your waking life. The father and sister represent you and her and their arguing in your dream is the same as you and her arguing in real life.

    The sum it all up. You and this girl that you were friends with in real life have had kind of a falling out. You want to work it out with her but you feel that she has changed and is not the person you used to know. You want to talk to her but are afraid that she won't listen or won't try to work things out.

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