Okay, so every time i dream there is some guy named kenny that saves me. For example, Last night I Dreamed that i was climbing a 400 ft tree. I got to the top and fell. All I heard was someone whispering Kenny. Then I dreamed that I was at my grandmas house and some weird party was going on. I got mad cause my worst enemy was there, walked to the back of my grandma's house and I fell and ending up sliding down my gradmas 15 ft Hill. Somebody screamed for Kenny and all i saw was him running down the hill. Then i just closed my eyesl then he picked me up and i kept laying down on his shoulder. The weird thing is i was saying in my head that he was hot. So of course, Kenny saved me. The strange thing is that i never see his face! And I don't know anyone named Kenny! Does anyone know anything that could explain this? And it's Everynight almost!