
Strange dream? PLEASE HEEELP!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i was at something like a leadership conference with my football coach somewhere in the woods with other kids. and then we go on a ride on a large peice of wood with rail into the sky. WE WERE ABOVE THE CLOUDS like as if we were in an airplane.

i wanted to get of because i feared falling. but i kinda liked it cuz hey IM FLYING so i got my ipod out and relaxed.

then another part i guess we realeased a missle and it mistakenly hit at a military base. and we didnt want to get in major trouble but we didnt want for innocent people and gtroups to get blamed. whats this mean.

is it linked in any way to the track meet im going to saturday (the 28th) or has to do ith our school weight training program.

the track meet is individual. the coach wont be there/




  1. Hello hun

    What a neat dream...dream experts like me love a challenge. Ok here goes.

    Key elements





    fear of fallign



    military base

    The woods means the unknown and need to be more open minded and to discover your true potential

    the flying on a plank of wood means that you feel dead inside or that you are just walking through life doing the motions but not truly happy.

    the sky thoguh is freedom and peace

    The clouds are inner peace and that an issue in yoru waking life is clearing up

    Fear of falling, is anxiety of lack of control, struggling and lack of support.

    Flying is freedome where you ocne felt restricted

    missle insecurites about s*x, adn helplessness

    Military authority and emotional repression.

    Ok so in your case I believe taht you are going throuhg something and that issue or situation has made you feel dead inside (not truly happy) so you've sort of turned off. You have or had anxiety of not being able to control the situation which i believe had to do with either emotional repression (sexually speaking) or authority (not sexually speaking).

    However, to over come it you need to be more open minded,. good news is that you will overcome peace, and freedom from it will be around soon.

    now does it have to do with the coach,  I don't know but you are going throuhg a rougher patch but hang tight here dear it's coming to an end and bright skys and sunny days will follow for you

    Hope that helps

    S (dream expert)

  2. My Dreams Make much less sense. Be glad you don't have em lol, for instance when I Was five i had a dream I Ran up to my dad and gave him a hug and then he turned green, the my brothers eyes were red and his chin was pierced, then my alarm clocked grew a mouth and told me to F*ck off. Lol.

  3. Your subconscious is telling you to cheat at the track meet!  DO NOT listen to it!  Cheating will only do you harm.

  4. High teacher (self) which is offering you assistance. A need for self-discipline.

    Woods-The unconscious; growth, strength; animals in the forest represent repressed contents of the unconscious.

    Flexible, yet durable aspect of self; nurturing and growth. When part of a tree. represents aliveness that can be molded or shaped into a new form

    Bright, fluffy clouds in a clear sky indicate aspirations that you can attain if you work at them. A lot of such clouds imply success and happiness in romance.

    Clouds are made of air and water, two of the four basic elements. Some would say that the soul is represented by air and spirit by water. Your positive energy and idealism could be represented by white clouds.

    If you are flying and enjoying it, this means happiness. It also can indicate a desire to rise above all and escape.Soaring to new heights. It may be you are looking to go beyond your capabilities. But it also could indicate new heights are what you need. Spiritual awakening.A sexual symbol representing the p***s. Liberation, release, transcendence. Escaping from daily routines.

    Missile-suggests that you need to be more direct and honest with your feelings. Or on the other hand, you may be too direct and blunt. The missile also has phallic connotations and may also signify masculine aggression or power.

    ''we didnt want to get in major trouble but we didnt want for innocent people and groups to get blamed''. whats this mean?

    Sounds like you know something,who else was in your dream? Do you hang out with them in real life? Are you keeping a secret so they wont get into trouble?

    sounds like you know what your getting into..And your right it has to do with both ur track meet and your weight training =)

    Don't take this offensively but are you smoking some drug?

    ''WE WERE ABOVE THE CLOUDS like as if we were in an airplane''

    ''i wanted to get of because i feared''

    '' but i kinda liked it cuz hey IM FLYING so i got my ipod out and (relaxed).''

    ''we didnt want to get in major trouble''??

    I could be wrong,I mean after all your the only one who can put the puzzle together,its your life..GOODLUCK! I hope I helped you in some way =)

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