
Strange dream... (about rape and pregnancy)?

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I had a dream this morning that I was pregnant. In the dream, I was pregnant because I had been raped. I'm only 14. I walked around my middle school (that I am now leaving, I'm going to high school now) with my pregnant belly and nobody said anything, except for my parents, who were very concerned because I had been raped. I was afraid and not ready to have the baby. I wanted a girl really bad (which is understandable because IRL if I was ever to have a child I would want a girl) but instead I was pregnant with a boy. After just walking around and hanging out with friends I didn't go into labor or have contractions, I just went to the hospital and started to have the baby. I started pushing and then I woke up.

I'm 14 and a virgin, if that helps.




  1. This to me is about you worrying unecessarily about things. You wind yourself up over things  that most of the time don't even happen. you can't understand why other people don't get so anxious as you, but you can't seem to stop. Put things into perspective, think to yourself, actually, what is the very very worst that could happen. Usually it isn't that serious and life would go on. the outcome of a situation won't change because we worry .Do all you can, then let it go, what will be will be.

  2. The dream is really about pregnancy; the rape is merely the most convenient "means to the end" that allows the pregnancy to occur without the need for a boyfriend or a relationship to enter the story.

    This is actually a very positive pregnancy dream; your friends are not concerned about your pregnancy; and your parents' concern is for the rape -- that is, the s*x act, not the pregnancy itself. The only person concerned is you, and as it turns out, there is nothing to be concerned about --  you have the baby without labor or contractions -- it's all very easy for you. So your fear turns out to be misplaced in the end. In fact, the only negative thing about the pregnancy is the s*x of the child.

    So what does it mean? This is your subconscious mind telling you that you could handle a pregnancy if you had to. In effect, the dream is *you* giving yourself permission to have a boyfriend and to date, and to engage in sexual intercourse.

  3. As far as the rape part of your dream. Is it possible that you feel unsafe at school or unsafe around somebody in your life?

    I also found this:

    In dreams, anyone can get pregnant. It is not an experience that is limited by gender or age. Generally, it is a herald of creativity, virility, or wealth. However, there are numerous underlying themes that need additional interpretation.

    If you are a younger woman who dreams of getting pregnant, but has no waking intention of doing so, it is likely that you are working through an archetypal transition into a new self-awareness. One of Jung's archetypes is the archetype of parenting or preserving the species. To see oneself engaged in such activity is to grow from being a child to identifying more prominently with adults.

  4. this is a dream about expectations. You are on the verge of a new pace in your life -- high school.

    The being raped is a sign that you are experiencing stress you wish would go away, but doesn't.  Also, you may be pregnant with a boy, because boys are more aggressive than girls, and could protect you from the uncertainty of a new school. If it helps, we all feel awkward entering high school: all of us. The same thing happens all over again when we enter college. If older kids pick on you, it's because THEY were in your shoes once. So try not to worry too much.

  5. you are afraid of the whole sexual menace of older teenage boys. They can be very scary, puffing out their chests and talking loudly about s*x, judging women by breast size etc.

    You will also be getting the whole "DON'T GET PRGENANT" thing rung in your ears all the time at this age, adn this makes you afraid of getting pregnant too.

    Fundamentally, you feel threatened by invasion by men. and so do your parents, on your behalf.

  6. There are a lot of dream symbols in there that could all mean something so you should check out for possible meanings. Look up pregnant, birth, baby, and rape. Birth usually symbolizes new ideas/situations and since you didn't want a boy and were forced/raped to have it means that you don't seem ready to face some new concept or situation and that you don't believe your parents ready for it either? Are you worried about starting high school?

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