In my dream I was watching the fish with my boyfriend, and he was making small talk. I said "we're watching the fish, you're not supposed to talk when you watch fish". It was a 'duh!' moment, like it made total sense in my dream. We watched a large-ish goldfish swimming on it's side(not dead, just swimming on it's side). It took place in the woods(there seems to be a forest in a lot of my dreams that I just know my way around, although it doesn't exist in real life).
Then it got weird. A giant fish came crashing through the trees. It had a vortex in it's stomach and was sucking fish up into it. My boyfriend and I started running, and we encountered someone running towards the fish and tried to warn them, but they didn't listen. Then we heard them scream and they started running with us. Then we passed some other people jogging and tried to warn them. Then there was a fork in the road and we were running too fast to realize that we had started to go down different paths. We could see each other across the grass that separated the paths, but there would soon be trees between us. We signaled to each other not to go back, because we didn't know how far behind the giant fish was. But we knew that the paths would both eventually lead out of the forest.
Then I woke up.
What does the fish represent? And the forest? What does it mean?