
Strange dream involving elevator/lift?

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last night i dreamt i was in a building, going up from the bottom trying to get to the top. i was with a freind from university.

but when we went into the lifts the lift was like.. well when the doors closed it was like closing in from all angles as you went up its hard to describe, and it felt as if it was going to chop your hand off. nobody else seemed to mind. went up several of these death trap elevators..

i dont have a fear of elevators or anything.




  1. elevator going up represents progressing upward in life quickly.

    could be the closing could represent certain fears with doing just that.

  2. Your dream suggests that you are among peers in your academic life from whom you feel competitive pressure.

    The wild ride in an odd, blind elevator sounds as though you are quite busy on the academic track - perhaps at times just holding on to keep moving ahead - or 'up'.  These others put on calm faces while you feel apprehension about succeeding well.  By the thing feeling as if you fear the thing will 'cut your hand off' somehow it seems that you feel you could be disabled academically somehow and fail.

    Consider that these others may not feel as calm as they seem - your peers may be feeling the same pressures as you but hiding it well.  Consider too whether you are indeed in an appropriate line of study for your talents and desires.  

    You will have to consider the context only you can know of how you feel and what you believe as to your academic career, but this is suggested.

    All the best to you.  

  3. Claustrophobic dreams tend to signify feelings of frustration.

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