
Strange expierience last night...?

by  |  earlier

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I had a rather odd exerience last night, I was in bed reading, and I started to drift off. Right before I was asleep (kind of in that concious state of sleeping...still thinking that I should go turn off the light) I saw a dark blue haze, and a ticking sound, like...electrical sounding. Then I heard this roaring sound, kind of the sound you hear underwater, but wayyyy louder.

And then a sinking feeling, physically.

What the h**l was this?? Just me falling asleep, because it woke me up.

Wierd dreaming, something more? Open to all ideas.





  1. Astral body floating.It is a good thing.

  2. it was only a dream, sweetie. go back to bed.

  3. i think it was like a out of body experience or sleep paralysis..

  4. you might have been tired and might be feeling sleepy even because you were reading a book you might have in your drowsiness done those movements by yourself but this roaring sound thing is a little strange I read something in a book about this but i will tell you only if you give some description and details like what was it even i had this experiences i was sitting on my bed in my room when i hard a sharp cackling sound like someone laughing in an evil way beneath my ears since i'm searching this experience never shared it with anyone i hope it remains secret

    trusting all of you

  5. It could be something in your sub-conscious if you read i would think u were actually imagining with the sound and all a mind movie of the book u were reading?

    Or just an artistic kind of thing your mind could've created?

    heh i had one of those experiences once it was cool :D

  6. That has happened to me before.  I believe we were Lucid Dreaming.  The reason I think it happened to me was because I have gottent hat sinking feeling before.  Sometime's I'll be so tired, but still awake- almost asleep, and I'll try to like move a leg or something, but I won't be able to do it (because I am sleeping) and then I'll panic because I think i'm paralized but I actually can't move because I'm not awake....

    It's sooo wierd, has this ever happened to you?

  7. i had a bad thing that used to happen that came on like a swarm of bees (electric sound) right after the noise i was paralyzed not sleep paralysis because i was ounce thrown down and held there. not to worry :]

  8. Sounds as if you were experiencing the beginning of an OOBE (out-of-body experience)

  9. this happens to my daughter alot. She astral is the sound of detaching ...    or reattaching.

  10. It could be something to do with your body, like getting dizzy if you stand up too fast or twitching if your muscles are too relaxed.

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