
Strange feeling before someone dies. Why is that?

by Guest57992  |  earlier

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When I was younger I never use to have this. It use to be another strange thing that happened where I heard someone scream in my head, and at the same time I was screaming, I even had my mouth open, but no sound came out,and right after the screaming in my head stoped I fell foward violently, but everyone around me never seemed to notice despite me moving. When I asked they'd reply nothing happened. Then this feeling stopped and I was happy but another took over. I developed this thing, especially around water (shower, swiming pool, etc.) where I feel like I'm drowning, hopeless, dying, horrible feeling. I noticed that everytime I get this feeling someone close to me dies. I've had small ones and I remember my uncles brother dies. I've had big ones (lasted longer) and my grandmother died, my cousin got shot and died, and a family friend died. It's happened many times and someone's died. (I'll continue this in the next paragraph, I ran out of space. Give me a few minutes.) ...




  1. Calm down, calm down...  Everyone who exists here will go there.  Its us who are between this and there who have to heal.  If there is a safe way to say something, I would tell you in an instant.  First realize that you are still in controle of your body here.  Talk to your mother's side of the family.  You have someone there who put up with it till they just put up with it.

  2. Well I am srry for all you have gone through :/

    From what I am reading it sounds like maybe your psychic strength os clairaudience :) Maybe you should read up on that if you feel comfortable with it :)

                  Love Light and Peac e:)

  3. Confirmation bias.  You only associate this feeling with death *after* someone dies.  I bet you've never used it to predict a death.  And if you did, how wide a circle does this power cast and how long does it last?  In other words, if you feel it does someone die within a day or a year?  And when someone dies, is it a relative or just someone within 10 miles of your current location?  As you see, along with a selective memory you can cherry pick that which supports your belief in your super power.  Sounds like you're just having an anxiety attack.

  4. You sound like your a psychic sensitive. Google it.

  5. dude are u writing a story? did this really happen? well if it did i wouldn't worry about feeling funny i would worry about why everyone around me is dying?

  6. You have a very active imagination. My advice is to write a novel. You will have plenty of fictional material.

    Best regards.

  7. it is true.i had trouble in night sleep for more than one week because of this then someone is gone!nearby community!it is extrasense that make us feeling something strange but prayer in the name of YehShuah will help anyone!(YehShuah is JESUS)

  8. WOW! I am so sorry.

    What I would do if I were you is "embrace" this "gift". If you were to work on it, you could probably be clairvoyant in other areas too. You are still quite young... your will become more clairvoyant as you become older.

  9. Wow, would you call these premonitions?

    It could just be a coincidence also, did you ever think of that?

  10. Well, I think that the first step is to be more open minded and not think of psychic stuff as being c**p...since from what you're saying (if it's true) you are having psychic experiences.

    Most times, we are psychically forewarned of a death not to change it but to be strong for others that the death will also effect.

    It would help to get in touch with your guides or even work with the Angels. It sounds to me that with some spiritual practice, you can change the way the information comes to you so that it doesn't have to be so extreme or upsetting.

    My friend (who passed away) had 10 people die in her family in the same year...including her husband and Mother. For some reason, I think that it is part of someone's life path to deal with multiple deaths. Perhaps when you are older, you will be able to help other people cope with death or to pass working in Hospice care or something.

  11. Pray for God to protect them. Maybe it doesn't have to happen. Maybe it won't if you pray for their protection.  A psychic told me  a long time ago that God won't tell you anything bad that you can't change. I don't know if that's the truth or not. Just thought I'd tell you that.

  12. this strange feeling before death seems to happen to quite a lot of people:;...

  13. Go with your feelings. Sometimes we're so in tune with things we get " Feelings". If you want to explore this more, contact:

    She's the only one I would consider as being genuine.

  14. This sounds crazy. How many times has this happened? Does somebody die every single time it happens?

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