
Strange feeling on the back of throat... Worried!

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The past two weeks or so I have been feeling a bit nauseous and dizzy but I was thinking it was because my period was on it's way. Then a few days ago I began to feel a sharp weird feeling in the back of my throat. It isn't all the time but every once and a while when I swallow I can feel it. It's almost like something is attached to the back of my throat. Like I swallowed a bug and it's stuck on the back of my throat and as much as I swallow it Won't go down. It doesn't hurt, but I'm starting to worry because I keep feeling it more often. I plan on going to the dr soon... Just curious if anyone has any guesses or suggestions?




  1. I would say it isn't a big deal, but it's still a good idea to get it looked at.

  2. Go to the doctor have you had your tonsils and adnoids removed?

  3. Hi!

    I am not able to help you, but I have the same thing!

    Does yours feel worse when your throat is a bit dry?

    Last week my throat and epiglottis (the bit that hangs down) was red and swollen, the doctor dismissed it as "Probably an infection"

    The swelling has gone down but I still keep having this feeling that there is something stuck in my throat, like you it is not all the time but occasionally.

    It is worrying though isn't it?

    Like you, I also feel nauseous and a bit dizzy

    Good Luck, Let me know how you get on.

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