
Strange habits?

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My son, who is 5 has a habit of repeating the last word of a phrase. For example if I say "Connor, pick up your socks" he repeats the word socks in a sort of whisper. Also while watching TV he will make a "t" sound over and over again. Is this normal? should I be concerned?




  1. This doesn't sound quite right to me.  I would ask his pediatrician.  I believe this can be a sign of Austism.

  2. has he been having trouble in school?  Does he prefer to play by himself?  that's usually a good sign if something's wrong with him.  Just to be on the safe side, check with his doctor, but it could be something that he'll grow out of too.  The part about watching tv and making a noise sounds like something that my son does.  My son makes this little humming noise while he's concentrating and he has done it since he was a baby.  I've tried to get him to stop doing it, but then again, he's doing well in school.  In that case, I say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

  3. Could be slight autism, but I think its just a great form of concentration.  I don't think a mild case of autism is a bad thing, its better than any case of ADD.

  4. cute kid.  make rhymes out of the last word sounds.  he's a clever child to be able to pick out these sounds.  continue to make learning fun for him.

  5. My 5 year old son did the same thing but I figured out it was because he was actually teaching himself to pronounce the words even if he already knew them. Also it was his way of remembering what I had said. As you already know 5 yr olds do not have a very long attnetion span so if they get distracted they will completely do soemthing else and it was just a way my son helped himself remeber exactly what it was he was doing was by focusing on words i Had said.If you are concerned though you should speak withhis Dr they can let you know if there are any actually issues to worry about. Good Luck

  6. dont worry about it... wait a few months and if it continues, get help

  7. Get that checked out.  Schedule an appointment with the pediatrician.

  8. i really dont think anyone on here can give any anser but talk to him pediatrician!
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