
Strange headache or earache?

by  |  earlier

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Today, every now and then, I have gotten like an icepick headache that feels like it's in my ear. I don't know if it's an earache or my jaw hurting, or just an icepick headache that feels like it's my ear (I sometimes get migraines, and icepick headaches aren't new to me).

Could this be an ear problem or just another headache? Or a problem with my jaw?

If this keeps up, I will see my doctor, but I just want to know if it's like an ear infection or some other ear problem, if anyone has experience with something like that.





  1. I think it could deffinetely be your jaw. I got a lot of migranes and earaches...i went to the doctor and had lock jaw. But it could be a number of things. You should go to the doctor anyways...just to be safe.

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