
Strange league rules for fantasy football?

by  |  earlier

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These are my leagues rules...

Scoring for Offensive Categories

FG - Field Goals 3 points

Plus 2 points for a FG of 50+ Yds

MFG - Missed Field Goal -1 point

Plus 1 point for a MFG of 50+ Yds

MXP - Missed Extra Point -1 point

Pa2P - Passing Two-point Conversion 2 points

PaCmp - Passing Completion 20 - 29 PaCmps = 3 points

30 - 39 PaCmps = 5 points

40 - 49 PaCmps = 8 points

50+ PaCmps = 10 points

PaInt - Passing Interception -3 points

PaTD - Passing TD 6 points

PaYd - Passing Yards 200 - 249 PaYds = 2 points

250 - 299 PaYds = 4 points

300 - 349 PaYds = 6 points

350 - 399 PaYds = 8 points

400 - 449 PaYds = 10 points

450 - 499 PaYds = 12 points

500+ PaYds = 14 points

Re2P - Receiving Two-point Conversion 2 points

ReTD - Receiving TD 6 points

ReYd - Receiving Yards 80 - 89 ReYds = 1 point

90 - 99 ReYds = 2 points

100 - 109 ReYds = 3 points

110 - 119 ReYds = 4 points

120 - 129 ReYds = 5 points

130 - 139 ReYds = 6 points

140 - 149 ReYds = 7 points

150 - 159 ReYds = 8 points

160 - 169 ReYds = 9 points

170 - 179 ReYds = 10 points

180 - 189 ReYds = 11 points

190 - 199 ReYds = 12 points

200 - 209 ReYds = 13 points

210 - 219 ReYds = 14 points

220 - 229 ReYds = 15 points

230 - 239 ReYds = 16 points

240 - 249 ReYds = 17 points

250 - 259 ReYds = 18 points

260 - 269 ReYds = 19 points

270 - 279 ReYds = 20 points

280 - 289 ReYds = 21 points

290 - 299 ReYds = 22 points

300+ ReYds = 23 points

Recpt - Reception 6 - 7 Recpts = 3 points

8 - 9 Recpts = 4 points

10 - 11 Recpts = 5 points

12 - 13 Recpts = 6 points

14 - 15 Recpts = 8 points

16+ Recpts = 10 points

Ru2P - Rushing Two-point Conversion 2 points

RuTD - Rushing TD 6 points

RuYd - Rushing Yards 80 - 89 RuYds = 1 point

90 - 99 RuYds = 2 points

100 - 109 RuYds = 3 points

110 - 119 RuYds = 4 points

120 - 129 RuYds = 5 points

130 - 139 RuYds = 6 points

140 - 149 RuYds = 7 points

150 - 159 RuYds = 8 points

160 - 169 RuYds = 9 points

170 - 179 RuYds = 10 points

180 - 189 RuYds = 11 points

190 - 199 RuYds = 12 points

200 - 209 RuYds = 13 points

210 - 219 RuYds = 14 points

220 - 229 RuYds = 15 points

230 - 239 RuYds = 16 points

240 - 249 RuYds = 17 points

250 - 259 RuYds = 18 points

260 - 269 RuYds = 19 points

270 - 279 RuYds = 20 points

280 - 289 RuYds = 21 points

290 - 299 RuYds = 22 points

300+ RuYds = 23 points

XP - Extra Points 1 point

Scoring for Defensive Categories

DFR - Defensive/ST Fumble Recovered (ID/DT/DST) 1 point

DTD - Total Defensive and Special Teams TD 6 points

Int - Interceptions 1 point

PA - Points Against, Total Points Scored 0 - 0 PAs = 10 points

1 - 9 PA = 5 points

10 - 19 PA = 3 points

20 - 29 PA = 0 points

30 - 39 PA = -3 points

40 - 49 PA = -5 points

50+ PAs = -10 points

SACK - Sack 1 point

STY - Safety 2 points

Should I use a normal draft strategy or change my draft strategy altogether.




  1. Wow, that's a ton of rules.  I would use your normal draft strategy, but be careful with your kicker because there are some off kicker rules.  Like if you miss a 50+ yard field goal you get one point...


  2. yeah thats a whole lot more rules then i have ever seen for a ff league

  3. You need to adjust your strategy slightly.  its basically a td league with slight bonus to guys who reach milestones in performance, 100+ yards or 300=Passing yards.  Basically use rankings for a td league and bump up guys who who tend to post 100yard games or qb who post 300 yard games.  Also it seems to favor qbs more, especially qbs who tend to throw a lot of passes.  Give a bump to the top 5 qbs, brady, manning, romo, brees, palmer and even anderson.  downgrade guys like rothlisberger and mcnabb who tend to be more efficient.  

  4. I had a thing all typed out until I realized there was no flat yardage for any position. Yeah, That will mess with your draft strategy. Theres a huge emphasis on touchdowns. I would sit down for 2-3 hours with some stat projections and do a vbd before drafting this league.

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