
Strange medium like powers...?

by  |  earlier

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i think I'm a medium but a very different medium. for about 5 years now i've been able to put myself into a kinda of earth where i met dead people in my mind. i've met my dead grandparents my friends dead grandparents. please help me. i swear im not mental




  1. so i dont no how old you are but 5 years ago magically something come along and made you realise quoted "i've been able to put myself etc" into a place where u can meet dead people that you knew when they were alive...and your asking "please help me"

    help yourself out - see a shrink for starters, stop "kinda" puttin yourself into a false sense of reality and deal with whatever the f*ck your heads tryin to tell you....

    maybe you didnt cope well with the deaths of these people and its your own head(guilt) making up illusions that seem so "real" to you

    like its not like you have unknown dead people haunting you or making you hear crazy voices in your head tellin you to do bad things...

    swear your not mental all you like but making up stories bout being some kind of medium for dead grandparents is kinda a little mental dont you think?? maybe a little mentally disabled too seeing as though you didnt hav a good enough imagination to tell us what happens after you willingly induce yourself into a state to meet dead people... for example if and what the dead people said? or wanted perhaps? if they were translucent ghosts, if you seen them all at once like one big party?

    ok back to "please help me"


  2. Daniel

    Your no different than any other Medium darling, all normal.


  3. That sounds like a Beautiful gift I would be very happy to have!

    I have always wished, I would love to be able to do that.

    I found pictures in a box, it is still here.  I was looking at the pictures therein, I quiet looking man in a suit, with his wife, a beautiful woman in a long dress, so delicate and feminine.

    It was only the clothes that made me realize they weren't my own Grandparent's!  Other than that the man looked just like my Grandfather, but I know now he is my GreatGrandfather, straight out of time.

    I would give almost anything to be able to talk to them!

    I don't know what kind of help you feel you need.

    But maybe only helping learning how to develop and share this ability more would be the only kind needed, and Don't let anybody tell you otherwise!  Good Luck.

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