
Strange new ability? What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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Hello everyone, I have recently discovered I have the ability to move things without physically touching them, but to move them with my mind. I have since found out this is called Telekinesis. Should I tell anyone about this or keep it to myself?




  1. Well, once you've cleaned up in Vegas you can give Randi a call.  Go take the old man's million.  Then try to use this super power to improve the world.

  2. Video it & put it online with your written testomony & witnesses

  3. Too late...the telepaths already know and are coming to get you.

  4. There is no telekinesis. It is trick only

  5. Convince a magician, The Amazing Randi, and you may win a million dollars.

  6. Congratulations,You are set.You've won the lottery of life.All you have to do is use your wonderful ability.Don't bother going to anyone,let them come to you.Get a street corner and start flipping paperclips.People will be amazed,in a day or two the news cameras will be there.After a while the science guys will come to check it out.They'll probably call you another paranormal telekinesis boaster.Imagine the look on their face when you flip a paperclip right between their eyes.

       When word gets out you will have wealth beyond your wildest dreams.I look forward to hearing all about you and your great success.

  7. go to your local neurophysicist and let them test you.

    some people have this ability but the government research on this matter shut down years ago due to lack of funding and quality results.

  8. Your choices are your own. However, if you have any desire to prove your abilities to others and possibly advance scientific knowledge I would suggest going to open minded scientist and both demonstrating the ability to them and allowing them to study your abilities.

    I have provided links below to institutions that would be interested in helping you find answers and applications for your ability.


  9. Did you know that there are people on this site that actually believe you even though you are joking?

  10. shoot, you should embrace it! and maybe keep it to yourself till you know its actually real and you can prove it to others.

  11. Go on America's got talent, you're sure to win, or be committed to a mental hospital, one or the other depending on if you're lying or not.

  12. The mere fact that you're asking the question --as if you would consider keeping this to yourself -- shows you're not serious.

  13. Contact a physics or psychology professor at your nearest university and see if any are interested in witnessing a demonstration. If you can convince them, then you are well on your way to a life of fame and fortune.  On the other hand, if you just want to describe these supposed abilities to incredulous readers on Yahoo Answers and avoid all that money and fame, then keep it to yourself.

  14. Could you tell us if you can only move things along the table or lift things in the air.There is a big difference there.

  15. You should tell people about this, and prove it so that we can finally make an advancement in psychic science.

    Not only would you be advancing science, but you would become filthy rich. The first step is to complete the million dollar challenge at

    This will quell any debate about weather you are lying or not. The million dollars is the tip of the iceberg. If you win randi's millions, you will not have to worry ever again about money or work.

  16. It's called psychokinesis, or telekinesis. Its not all that uncommon, but most cant control it (or dont know about it)

    As far as telling people, most people will think you are crazy, unless they are people interested in parapsychology or paranormal investigations.

    Dont worry about having posted it on here because unless you have seriously personal information on your profile nobody will know who you are so it's still anonymous. =D

  17. You should know that every one here is going to say you lying and you basically told everyone by putting this on the internet..

  18. you should give the proof in face of all skeptics if true and able to prove it could be a great break trough and it could open new horizons to understand human capability's

  19. You just did announce it to the world and you just made the short list in over 300 government databases.

  20. Thats great but I believe you are lying, sorry my man

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