
Strange number calling me up saying I owe 30000$?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 18, and just got a job, i'm going to college, and I don't own a credit card.

674-532-1950 called up saying "is this Mr. (last name)

I say "yes"

the monotone voice says "I regret to inform you that you owe 30000 dollars in credit card debt"

I say, Sir I never owned a credit card, let alone have any credit card debt.

I moved my ear away from the phone, then started to hang up, however I thought I heard laughing or something, or it could of been the crappy computer sounding voice, but I just hung up.

WHAT the heck was that call about? Some scam, or what? didn't make any sense, and how did he, or the computer know my first and last name? WTH




  1. That phone number does go to a collection agency, but not sure which one.  Go to for info.

    Either way, you need to pull a copy of your credit report to see if anything is being reported.  Go to and get it.

    If there are accounts on it that you do not recognize, go to the FTC website and look for their identity theft pages.

  2. It could be the misguided humour of your friends. Next time that it happens pretend that you are dismayed but willing to cooperate. Ask the voice where you should send the money to. Or you could use Ring back and find the number they were calling you from. Then you could hand it to the police for them to deal with.

  3. It does sound like a bunch of BS, someones sick joke.  Don't answer until you have checked everything out. check your credit and do some research into the fair credit acts (laws).  You don't have to spend money to check your credit, by law you are entitled to one free report from each of the 3 major reporting companies per year, the official site for this is:  Its getting more common these days for people to steal a minors identity and then they don't find out till they are 18 and already screwed.  Hopefully that's not the case, if it is a good lawyer might be able to help, if not then its a stupid prank, call the phone company and complain.

  4. probably someone high on angel dust and acting goofy - maybe someone who knows you

  5. Sounds like a scam to me. It could also be a prank call, but either way you're probably better off just ignoring it. I've gotten some really shady calls and emails from people trying to convince me to give them their information...

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