
Strange paranormal occurrence...psychic connection between two girls? NOT A JOKE!?

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Two of my best friends...they're very close...seem to be having a paranormal connection. They seem to be reading each others' minds, knowing stuff that they shouldn't know, communicating telepathically, sharing dreams and doing things in perfect unison that they never used to. Also, if one of them gets hurt, the other will bruise or bleed at that same spot, without either one knowing that it happened. I know both very, very well and know that they're not doing this on purpose. They're also getting strange pains in the same places at the same times. One or both seem to have a history of psychic connections and other paranormal abilites, but never quite to this extent. What's going on, it's really starting to freak me out! (I swear to God I'm not making this up. I've been hacking into one of their e-mail accounts because I knew that there was something going on. They don't even know that I know.)




  1. It's called empathic abilities. People have it and get it stronger with their twin souls as well-or ppl they share a lot of past lives with.

  2. Strange things do happen......

  3. I read this book about paranormal experiences and these to women lived on completely different parts of America and they had many things in common and they were receiving dreams of one another and they meet up and became best friends it was weird reading it. One had the cure for the other people the other had a sickness or somthing like that.

  4. get a life.

  5. that is wierd how long have they known eachother or r they related at all cuz thats really wierd or they could have dont like a wigi board and something went wrong and that s want happends now but other than that idk wat to tell u

  6. happens with twins, so why not best friends?

    : ]

  7. thats cool

  8. Very interesting. Bet they'll build a reputation in no time.

    Can't imagine, I've never heard of anyone being that closely linked. Maybe because people change or grow out of it in such a short time frame that it cannot be studied.

    Fascinating, I hope they develop their skills together and independently.

    Only identical twins have exhibited this type of behavior, one would go out and party the other would suffer the hangover but nothing to this extent.

    Do the world a favor and document this as best as possible.

  9. I believe what you are saying. What I believe is happening is that they have a soul tie or soul connection. Based on how you describe it however I can tell it is not of God.

    Sometimes people get soul ties the following ways:

    1. By blood covenants for e.g two friend cut themselves and one put some blood from themselves into the others cut and vice vera

    2. People can get bad soul ties from exchanging birthstones

    My advice would be to encourage them to get help from a pastor. This situation is very dangerous as demons are the entites that encourages bad soul ties. If you don't feel comfortable going to them you can go with somebody to a pastor and ask for his advice.

    My other advice would be to go on this site below which is run by pastor Jonathan Hansen and you can send them a message and they will help you with the situation.

    I know you are worried about them and you have every right to be. But the only way something can be done is to get help from a pastor about this situation. Good luck!!! If you need further help, I'm here.

  10. this is a joke, right?


  11. Maybe they're twins and don't know it.

    I have a connection with someone far away too..but not that much . Maybe things like this can start out slow and grow. Some husbands and wives have this connection and they're not blood I don't see why 2 girls can't have it. I knew someone ..when he said things ..I also said them at the same time...usually not out loud. He turned out to be a bad person.

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