
Strange phobia I have a severe fear of bicycles.

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I have a severe fear of bicycles. When I see one I go running in panic and it's difficult because I live right near a forest preserve where people ride bikes. What should I do?




  1. i have a fear of cars

  2. Start riding bicylcles and slowly you will recover it.....

    Other than this you can NEVER EVER RECOVER from this....

    trying to avoid will only postpone and not permanent relief...

    So best of luck...   Have someone with you when you ride.....

    Thats it you are perfect....

  3. You have cyclophobia, try buying a bike, and try to ride it each day (even though you are scared), have someone help you.

  4. I have a horrible fear of spiders that often controls my life.  I spend quite a lot of time thinking and obsessing about them and if I find one in my house I will go on a cleaning rampage.  I freak out about where the spider I found was hiding.  It is so scary to me.  I also have an irrational fear of train tracks and will drive a much further distance to avoid them.  Don't feel bad...try to meditate a bit when you see one - sometimes that works for me.

  5. just try to avoid them, i have a 5 year old neighbor who has a bb gun that hold sthe little orange plastic ones. he shot me with it once. now every time he comes over, he usually brings it and its usually loaded. it scares me to death, the sound of a loud shot gun scares me to death too. i just try to avoid him. hes annoying, doesnt listen, and has anger issues, hes a spoiled little brat, his litte brother is much more behaved and friendly, same age. listens better too.

  6. I have a fear of spiders, I just try to avoid them!!!!!

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