
Strange !!!!?

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a 8 year old and a 11 year old boys my brothers looking at play boy books and stuff

wat do u think about thaty




  1. umm.... that is something that should not be started at that young of an age...

    tell them you know and not to do it.

  2. I think the 11 year old has heard about them at school and is curious.  I would want to know where he got it. I think the 8 year old just got caught up in it because the older boy wanted to show off what he had and the younger one was available.

    If they belonged to the dad I'd be furious at him for leaving them around where they kids would find them.  If it came from a friend then we'd be finding new friends.  There's more than enough time for this years from now.  Children 8 and 11 aren't mature enough to handle this.

  3. Even though they are being boys, you should tell your parents- especially mom.  I would want to know if my son was doing that, and why their sister knew about it.  There are healthier ways to be educated about women... porno isn't suitable for children EVER... they aren't mature enough to process everyting.  Geez- 8 and 11, where'd or who did they get it from?

  4. that is wow.. wierd and kinda perverted but who lets them see that

  5. Im suprised that you didn't do anything! Take it away from them! Tell those kid's mothers and fathers. And if its heppening at your/their house don't allow them to come over and don't allow them to come over!

  6. Um.. if you can take them away from them do that. If not, then let them know ahead of time that you are going to tell on them. Tell their mother and let her deal with it.

  7. Young boys will always look at anything they have access to. Especially things that are "forbidden".

    Do not be upset. Just make sure these books don't lie around.

  8. I think kids are growing up too fast these days and parents think it's just the cutest thing!

    My friends are always bragging about their BABY boys doing perverted things as if it's something to brag about.

    The parents are disturbing.

    I'm not saying that you're that way, I'm just commenting on what I've noticed.

    If my daughter was trying to hook up with boys at 4 yrs old I would NOT be bragging about it, I'd be going to some parenting classes or something!!  LOL

    Come on parents.... lets not allow these children to grow up SO fast..

  9. They're just young and curious.

  10. tell an adult some parents think it is a sin
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