
Strange questions about freams and out of body experiences

by  |  earlier

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i once had a dream and i was in some school, then someone said something unbelievable to me but i forgot what it was, and i go no this must be a dream. and someone said yeah this is and you can make it anything you want it to. and all of a sudden i was in a beautiful garden and i just started flying over water (lake) and i saw a sunset. but I'm not kidding i was in control of my dream and i caught myself in a dream. i dontknow what this could of been. and please just give me comments and ideas of what this could of been.




  1. Yes, some dreams are like that. Considering that we all dream, you must have had a few of those particular dreams, something like the song from Aladdin"I can show you the world"

    These are nice dreams, something you would write about when you wake up and something you want to return to as you are falling asleep.

    Unfortunately, not all dreams are like that.

  2. A lucid dream is a dream in which the person is aware that he or she is dreaming while the dream is in progress, also known as a conscious dream. When the dreamer is lucid, he or she can actively participate in the dream environment without any of the inhibitions or limitations that otherwise would feel natural to persons who incorrectly believe they are in the "real" waking world. Lucid dreams can be extremely real and vivid depending on a person's level of self-awareness during the lucid dream.

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