
Strange rat question? (name related)?

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Ok, so (yes this is starnge) I was wondering if for a rat to learn its name it had to have the ie sound? And I was wondering if any of you ever taught your rat its name and its name didnt have the ie sound in it...

I was just wondering, because i wanted to name a rat pocket but i was afraid it wouldnt be able to learn it =o




  1. my rat, hoodrat, knows his name, and he also comes by the sound of a clicking tongue. Really, i see rats as little dogs that live in a cage. They are very smart, and really loving.

    just some people don't give them the time of day.

    hope i helped!

  2. They can learn any name you give them. Of my 23 rats, the only ones with that type of sound to their name are Marli, Lolly, and Bernardi, but all of my rats know their names.

  3. it doesn't seem to make a difference in my experience, all my rats come to me when I call them. Their names are Quaver, Noodle, Stella and Humbug.

    Humbug and Quaver learnt to come when I called a lot quicker the Noodle and Stella but I think this is to do with the individual intelligence of the rats involved. Just remember to be patient and give rewards when you get the right response...and repeat, repeat, repeat! Good luck!

  4. ITS FINE!!! once you and your rat hang out a little bit more then he will get used to hearing his name!!! and if you really want him to learn it just say it around him ALOT!!! so once you and your rat are best friends he will probabley already know his name!!! and once you teach his name all you have to do is say it then he will come!!!!

  5. Heck ya it's fine! Both my rats names are Landfill, and Compost and they come to their names.

  6. it will be fine! they learn the names no matter what it sounds likE(unless you dont try to teach them!)

  7. Rats are very smart animals and the will learn their names and when you are giving them food and treats!

  8. my rats names has the ie sound but she also comes to that little noise that you make with your tongue and top of your mouth. idk how to spell that sound but the noise you usually make to animals. so it shouldn't be a problem at all! =]

  9. It's a rat. Rat's are the least to know their names. Alike with mice, hamsters, gerbils, and rats. =) Best of luck with you and you're rat. =)

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