
Strange red light?

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Just to answer lads fortuna’s Question. The only other phenomenon which I witnessed in the room was an extreme drop in temperature on the night in which a neighbour had died. It was almost felt like the neighbour was in the room with me. I didn’t get any sleep that night. I could feel something breathing cold air down on my face all night. I truly don’t believe this has anything to do with the light since I had seen the red light many times before this drop in temperature




  1. I am curious as to why it only appears when you're on the verge of sleep.

  2. It could be that new alarm clock, or new tv, or new cable box, or new phone, or new computer, or some new form of technology whose light is beaming off of it

  3. could be a UFO.

  4. Are you sure you aren't in a dream state when this happens? Sometimes, especially when feeling anxious, you can experience something that feels real, even though you are asleep.

    The experience of seeing writing that can't be read is typical of a dream state.

    Edit: the more you say about these experiences the more I am convinced that this is a semi-dream state. The paralysis, the inability to actually read anything, the times when it happens.

    These phenomena have been experienced by millions and have been well described. I have experienced similar myself.

    Just ask yourself: Am I experiencing a psychic phenomenom or just a well described state of mind that happens to most people at some time in their life. The answer lies in your own, quite normal, mind!

  5. You haven't said whether or not you have had other forms

    of phenonema than the light.Do the electrics in your room

    act as if they have a mind of their own,or the TV etc turn

    itself on? Do you experience any sudden drop in temperature,when these things occur? You could be

    having some kind of paranormal, psychic experience

  6. The red  light phenomenon would seem to be classical 3rd-stage sleep: you're asleep but aware of the world around you. For more information look up Incubus/Succubus phenomena.

    As for the drop in temperature, that is very common after a death. There is no rational scientific explanation for it, not with today's science. The closest to an answer you'll get is a holdover of herd behaviour from our evolutionary past - packs of primates seem to know when one of there own has died in close proximity; it may be pheremonal.

  7. It's a jack-o-lantern.  My mother told me about them.  She grew up in the country, and said she would sometimes see a glowing red ball moving down this spring bobbing up and down.

    I also dated a girl who lived in the country and she said one was in the woods where she once lived.  Sometimes when she was cutting through the woods on a path it would follow her.  She told me a story of one time she would run, and it would keep pace with her.  If she stopped, it stopped, maintaining the same distance from her.

    I don't know if the halloween pumpkin is named after them, or if that name is applied to them after the pumpkin, but where I'm from in North Carolina they are called jack-o-lanterns.  It's also called a red orb.


    Don't use a ouji board as another responder recommended.  That involks demon spirits.  The symbols on the ouji board are Satanic symbols from witchcraft.  My guess is the jack-o-lantern might be demonic, please don't add to the paranormal stuff.

    People have freaky experiences with ouji boards -- bad interactions with demons.  Here's a link:;...

    2nd EDIT

    If you saw it outside your window did you get a picture?  Have you ever dabbled in the occult that might be bringing stuff around you.  Please consider asking God to help get rid of this thing, or anything else that might be coming around.

  8. i believe you similar thing has happened  to me but me was diff i found out i was OBE and i was seeing other entity's while OBE. Does it have a shape of some kind do you think it's a ghost or something else it doesn't want to harm you since it's trying to communicate with you try to find the way to communicate i think it's the only way to find out what it is What i was seeing was more like misty red cloud i was also paralyzed exp fear extreme fear didn't know what was it maybe it is OBE too try to find out more try astral dynamics maybe you're going to find out more what is going on i feel for you cause i we been tru that i thought i was going crazy good luck

  9. It's scary, isn't it?

  10. just out of curiosity. Your little brother doesn't have a laser pen does he?

  11. Hmmm, strange one orbs are normally white

  12. did You feel cold behind you or in front of you?if yes it could be a ghost and next time when you see it get a voice recorder and record your voice and ask it what it wants or use an ouija board(but i don't recomand you this too much because you can invocate satan this way)just talk to me for advice because i must say my house is haunted mssenger id is:laura_escu.

    good luck!

  13. You could try finding out about the history of the property you live in, is it an old building do you know anything about who might of lived there before you, you really need to get a recording of this when it happens.

  14. These strange red lights have been getting caught in a couple of people from here.

  15. We have a blue light at our house, moves around like it knows  whats it's doing.

    Looks like this---

    We think it may be my wife's mother or ex mother is a better term, seeing that she is dead.

    May just be a ex family member checking up on you.

  16. i think you need to see a psychic, the best one that you can find that can help you under stand what that light may be, it may be a spirit that's trapped. dont worry!

  17. Does your sister seem to have a lot of extra cash in the morning after you see these red lights?

  18. as an investigator, I have captured this phenomenon in some of my pics. Not even knowing I had caught them when I took the pic. I have pointed out this same thing to another user here in a pic they took as well. I am not a fan of the orb thing as anyone who knows me in here will tell you. But I have been interested in why these red and blue spots of light are showing up. I usually get them when I have investigated so called haunted locations. I dont even bother to call them orbs because unlike the classic dust orb, these seem to be emitting their own light. Anyways, just to let you know, your not crazy, and your not seeing any lazer pen lights or such. What this is? I dont have a clue yet. But I know that I have caught both red dots and blue dots in pics along with the classic dust orbs at the same time. And believe me, you can tell a difference when you see them together. And yes, some of my pics are far into the mountains of Colorado with no housing or electrical sources around.

    edit: good pic john s.

  19. Did you look out your window to see if there was an airplane etc.? I know you'll say there wasn't a noise like an airplane..but maybe it was too high to hear a noise. Do you think it could have been a space ship outside your house? Did you check to see if anything was outside? (Just an idea) Are you alone in the house? Did anyone else see it? If you were almost asleep...others will say it's sleep paralysis. Google it.  Maybe it has something to do with your eyes. I'd ask an optometrist...just to be able to eliminate that possibility.

    Edit..Here's another question like yours I found. Be comforted that "you are not alone" in seeing this phenomenon.

    Oops ..have to go back and copy it again.

    Here it is..I hope....;...

  20. Ok don't be afraid your not going crazy...

    I can fell that if you look closer to the light then you will pretty much see what that writing is. I am so amazed by you right now i wish i could see auras I can cuz of my bad eyesight... I'd say that you are most likely seeing a spirit of an animal for a long time ago who's home was were you house is... Once you see the light and take a picture send it to me... But if it truly is a spirit then try talking to it... i have about 7 senses but u are very unique you have the power of seeing spirits. Don't be freked out. To most people like you think its absolutely normal. You think you can e-mail me the next time you see it... and if you could tell me the exact place in your room that it was then that would help lift it from your room...

    And dude this seriously is an interest you might wanna look into on Google join the

    thats my group and i could help you more if you want... *tee hee hee*


  21. either its something very spooky, or its someone playing  a trick on you?

  22. star of red magic

  23. your dellusional

  24. This is psychic phenomena. You appear to have a spirit portal in your room which is a sort of 'hole' through which entities from the astral plane come and go.  You are very sensitive to spirit and this is why it happens. I don't know how long your house has been built, but this is connected with what was on the ground before. It won't hurt you, don't be afraid, but if it concerns you ask it to go. The inability to move is quite common when this sort of thing happens.

  25. That is strange.  I had that happen too, but I was awake at night.  Tell it to go away, and see if it does.  If it does, keep telling it to go away until it never comes back.  Real or fake, you shouldn't have to tolerate something like that.

  26. Could it be someone shining a laser into your room. you know the country breads unusual people of a parochial and narcissistic mind set. I have moved to the county recently and i have learned that some people are very much in a world of their own and like to play stalking games and attempt to portray behavior, of that of a person with extra ordinary abilities and knowlage. Just to let you know. Those laser pens have a long range.

  27. To be honest, these small red lights have been appearing to people inside and outside.... No one knows what they are... and myself and another regular here, have taken photos a world apart, both of us capturing these red lights, with nothing to cause  them...his photos were taken right out in the middle of the bush, miles away from the nearest house, or anything... There was a question listed here a couple of weeks ago , with another person experiencing the same thing, in seeing a red light in his room......

  28. Oh my god! its them...its the aliens...they are there. (freaky background music) Beware...they are very interested in human anal activity...(laughs hysterically...freaky background music continues)

  29. Sounds to me, that it may be when you're in a state between waking and sleep.  Your mind and eyes are up, but your subconscious and your body are still in a sleep state.  

    I have done this many times and have thought I've gotten up and done something that I haven't.  I've also seen things that I could have sworn were real.   All while in this in between state.  

    I could be wrong.  Its just an educated guess since in my experience in this field, I've never heard of red lights showing up (except for on a hoax driven "ghost tour").

  30. no. i can't say that i have experienced this kind of thing before. but if it is something supernatural then it will most likely not harm you. i do not think that you are crazy or seeing things. don't tell it to go away or nothing. try to be friendly. ask it what it wants. writing might show up.try to read might be good seems like the thing is Nice.
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