
Strange scary dream, what could it mean?

by  |  earlier

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So im in this old fashioned house at some party on the second floor. Its night time and im looking out the window at the driveway infront of the house and the headless horseman pulls in on his horse (with flaming eyes) with a sawn off shotgun. Iv had dreams befor where invincible killers chase me so I knew this was one of them.

I turn off the light upstairs and peak out the window hoping he doesnt see me (but I know this thing can always see me and knows where I am even when im hiding). He then looks up at me from the driveway and shoots. I roll out of the way and he misses. I contemplate where I am going to hide, but I know it doesnt matter where I hide he will know where I am. I look out the window again and he pulls out a chainsaw and revs it up. I know hes there to kill everyone in the house and he saw me last so I knew he was coming for me next. I didnt want to die by way of chainsaw, so I thought maybe I should shoot myself. So somehow I end up infront of the washroom door and open it and some old dude already ended himself. I decide I might aswell end it myself too before this killing monster gets a hold of me and because im scared $#%^less so I pull out a sub-machinegun (I have no Idea why I have a machine gun in this dream lol) and I shoot myself upwards from under my chin. I then fall to the ground. I dont die Immediately, I remember fearing that I angled wrong but I then begin to drift off and by that point I know im dying and I wont have to face this chainsaw weilding flaming pumpkin headed killer. I then wake up. Any theories?

If it helps, teh killer resembles a character from a game I used to play (began playing it again recently) called "Mad King Thorn". If you want to see what it looks like look it up, his character is somewhat of a joking all powerfull evil king. Maybe that has something to do with it.





  1. Nightmares sux

  2. lol im pretty sure the dream doesn't mean anything. but when a person dreams, it usually has stuff in it that you did recently or saw. thats the way the mind works, like processing memories.

    what i don't understand though, is how you could've killed yourself in the dream. when i have a scary dream, before it gets serious, i wake myself up. cuz in my dreams, i know when that im dreaming lol

    i tell myself "okay, so this dream sucks, im gonna wake up soon"

    but yeah. your dream was just the result of the game you were playing with the pumpkin head.

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