
Strange <span title="question?..................?">question?...................</span>

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I'm 6 months.. and my Virgina feels bruised.. i haven't had s*x in a while so it cant be that any 1 else had this cheers

sorry if it tmi




  1. Ask the doctor. If its painful he/she should help. Take some painkillers and go to him. He could give your a presciption.

    Good luck!


  2. It could be a lot of things, your body is going through so many changes right now.

    When I was pregnant with my 3 1/2 month old son, I had a lot of vaginal pain.  I also had sharp shooting pains in my labia.  My doctor said it was most likely ligament pain.  There are some ligaments attached to your uterus, and the other ends of them attach near your cervix and v****a.  As your uterus expands, the ligaments stretch and can be painful at times.

    Call you doctor and let them know what you&#039;re feeling, but most likely, you have nothing to worry about.

  3. It is pregnancy hormones Hun, it will make your v****a feel all swollen and sore, just one of the little miracles you get while your carrying a baby.


  5. Yes.  Its because the baby is putting pressure on that area.  The baby is getting bigger and it takes your body some time to get used to it.  Just try to sit with a pillow behind your lower back, that will relieve some of the pressure.

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