
Strange thing going on with weight loss?

by  |  earlier

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alright, recently to get over my weight loss plateau i have been doing core rhythms and some pilates. I started to get a thinner stomach and i got over my plateau. So thats good and all. But since 3 days ago, my stomach looks bigger then it was before. But i have not been gaining weight on purpose. I read online that muscle weighs slightly more than fat, but it says that i gained 2 pounds. i have been stressed out lately because of school. Does stress make you gain weight like that? I have not been stress eating, but i have been eating different foods because some relatives came over and we have been eating high carb and fat foods. But i have not been eating all of that food. I have also been exercising.




  1. Put the scale in the closet and leave it there. Weight can fluctuate 2-5 lbs per day at varying times.

  2. If you are eating any foods that are high in fat they can make you bloat a little, but a 2 pound weight gain is not bad nor is it unhealthy, what is unhealthy is checking your weight every day, weight is supposed to fluctuate between every day.

  3. muscles do weigh more than fat, stop looking at a scale, anyways, just work out, and check your measurements

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