
Strange thing happened. Any ideas what's going on?

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So for the past week or so I've been using my very old laptop computer because I cannot sit upright for a while so I cannot use my desktop.

I have not used this laptop for internet access (until recently) sine about 2 years ago.

I was going through my Temporary Internet Files (where the computer automatically saves images and website links and so on) and I came across a whole bunch of pictures, scattered across several folders, of a white van.

Now...I have never owned a van, a white car, any type of car, nor could I ever imagine any reason why I would be looking at pictures of a white van.

And these pictures are from tons of different angles. Inside the van, outside, doors open, closed. Van in different places, positions...ect.

I could understand one or two random pictures, but there were maybe a hundred of them. Maybe about 20% of all of my saved pictures. But I have no idea how/why they are there. No one else uses the computer but me.




  1. I heard that people can hack into other people's computers to store p**n on someone else's computer, so they don't get arrested for having it on theirs. This doesn't sound like p**n, but still I would suspect a hacker or someone using your computer without your knowledge.

    I would get a system restore disk cheap from the 800 number of your computer manufacturer and re-load windows from scratch, wiping the drive free from any viruses or hackers and change all the passwords and even maybe if any programs have secret questions/answers to get a password, I would change those too. (ie "What was your first car", etc.). Then put Norton Internet Security or similar antivirus on your computer. It is a whole day or day and a half to do it, since you have to reload everything else too (like internet disk, office disk, etc)....but it is worth it for your piece of mind.

  2. John S. is SO SMART !! lol I went to your profile to see if you also put this question on Yahoo Products.. Since it's Sat...somebody might be awake over there. I know it's hard to get an answer out of them. I know how you feel...wondering if it's paranormal. One time all our cell phones started calling each other...and none of us were using them. I think it had to do with the computer line..someone said. Probably somebody is messing with your computer.Don't let it drive you nuts!But I'd sure look into it.

  3. My guess is gremlins of some sort.Since you asked in paranormal.Gremlins or Leprechauns are the answer.I would have asked the question elsewhere.

  4. i doubt this is paranormal, unless theres been somthing else weird going on to back it up. if nothing else suggests it could b, does anyone u kno have a white van like this? if not, it looks like uve got a hacker on ur hands...

  5. You have been hacked.  Delete all of the pics that are not yours and put up a fire wall at least.  Somebody found themselves a hard drive that was not in use.  You should always check your lap top hard drive even if you don't use it.

    You are lucky all you got was pics of a van.

  6. seems like someone hacked into your computer by remote access.  it happens.

  7. I know just enough about a computer to get into troble, so I am afraid I can't help you on that end.  Is is creepy...yep it sure is considering you didn't put the photos there but I am afraid not.

  8. You might have malware or a virus picking up images from pop-ups or other sources of unwanted images. If you've been to ebay, you might see pictures of UPS or FedEx trucks (I'm just kidding). I suggest you download a little program called Window Washer that gets rid of the trash. Also, AVG free edition protects against viruses, and Search & Destroy gets rid of the nasties that try to hide.

  9. Hi, if these pictures are on your computer, then that has to be a result of someone putting them there, or downloading them.

    Maybe someone used your laptop without your knowledge?

    Maybe you inadvertantly downloaded them sometime when you last used your laptop.

    I dont think that they would have downloaded themselves onto your laptop, but maybe you were looking on a website that downloaded them without any prompt from you.

    Its certainly a mystery, and I hope you figure it out ...good luck and I hope you are soon back to your usual self and able to use your pc again. :)

  10. how odd.... assuming you dont just later remember a way they got there, i would just advise you to keep it in mind.... this white van. it is being shown to you for a reason. has someone done something bad lately that you have wondered who it is?? or something may be coming up for you that the white van has significance to.... ask guidenace from your guides etc for more information, and what this all means... also, just check so you dont worry for nothing.... do you use a shareware program like limewire?? if you do, it would be from there..... but think about everything yu can first so you dont freak out about it k..... i hope you find out soon!

  11. Even if nobody has physically used your computer besides yourself, you may at some time have inadvertently downloaded those image files via an email or going to a URL -- and just not known that by opening that email or going to that URL was going to place those files on your computer.

  12. hi

    somebody could have got on your laptop or it could be virus hacking on to your computer

  13. The most likely explanation is that someone has been using you hard drive to store their stuff.  It is very important to use all you firewall and encryption on any computer now days.  On our farm we have an open network to connect computers in different buildings via Wifi.   We live out in the middle of nowhere and still encrypt all of the system with 128 bit encryption.    There are websites that tell who to hijack other computers hard drive space.  If your laptop has built in Wifi you need to encrypt it and your whole network.  Also turn off your Wifi when not using it.

    Go to a search engine an look up "war driving"  this is how people find unprotected open systems.  Also goto and down load a free program that will show you just who is using Wifi close to you,  use mac stumbler if you have a  Apple system OS X laptop.

    The most common things people push off on to other peoples drives are photo and video files because they take up so much space, so shut them down and make them get their own hard drive!

    Edit: I did got to school for computers and have worked with them as far back as the early 70's.  The program then was on magnetic tape and a monitor was a teletype machine and output was on paper tape with holes punched in it, oh God I feel old now!!

  14. same way people move around

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